PHP code example of rogerthomas84 / ohdm

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download rogerthomas84/ohdm library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


rogerthomas84 / ohdm example snippets

    new \MongoClient(
        array('connect' => false)
    'pets' // The database name

namespace My\Namespace\Name;

use OhDM\Collection;

class Cats extends Collection
    public $name = null;

    public function setName($name)
        $this->name = $name;

    public function getName()
        return $this->name;

$record = new Cats();

$record = Cats::findById(
    new \MongoId('53466f2978f7a8bc5c1ae933')
if ($record) {
    // $record is instance of Cats
    echo 'My cats name is: ' . $record->getName();
} else {
    // couldn't find it!

$command = array(
    'query' => array('name' => 'kitty'),
    'fields' => array(),
    'skip' => 0,
    'limit' => 100,
    'sort' => array(
        'name' => 1
$ohDmCursor = Cats::find($command);
while ($ohDmCursor->hasNext()) {
    $thisCat = $ohDmCursor->getNext(); // it's an instance of Cats

$record = Cats::findById(
    new \MongoId('53466f2978f7a8bc5c1ae933')

$record = Cats::findById(
    new \MongoId('53466f2978f7a8bc5c1ae933')
if ($record) {
    // $record is instance of Cats
    echo 'My cats name was: ' . $record->getName();


    echo 'My cats name is now: ' . $record->getName();

} else {
    // couldn't find it!