PHP code example of rodrigoaguilera / digitalocean-v2
1. Go to this page and download the library: Download rodrigoaguilera/digitalocean-v2 library. Choose the download type require.
2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.
3. Add this code to the index.php.
/* Start to develop here. Best regards */
rodrigoaguilera / digitalocean-v2 example snippets
use DigitalOceanV2\DigitalOceanV2;
// create an adapter with your access token which can be
// generated at
$adapter = new BuzzAdapter('your_access_token');
// create a digital ocean object with the previous adapter
$digitalocean = new DigitalOceanV2($adapter);
// ...
// ...
// return the account api
$account = $digitalocean->account();
// return the Account entity
$userInformation = $account->getUserInformation();
// ..
// return the action api
$action = $digitalocean->action();
// return a collection of Action entity
$actions = $action->getAll();
// return the Action entity 123
$action123 = $action->getById(123);
// ..
// return the domain api
$domain = $digitalocean->domain();
// return a collection of Domain entity
$domains = $domain->getAll();
// return the Domain entity ''
$domainFooDk = $domain->getByName('');
// return the created Domain named '' and pointed to ip ''
$created = $domain->create('', '');
// delete the domain named ''
// ..
// return the domain record api
$domainRecord = $digitalocean->domainRecord();
// return a collection of DomainRecord entity of the domain ''
$domainRecords = $domainRecord->getAll('');
// return the DomainRecord entity 123 of the domain ''
$domainRecord123 = $domainRecord->getById('', 123);
// return the created DomainRecord entity of the domain ''
$created = $domainRecord->create('', 'AAAA', 'bar-name', '2001:db8::ff00:42:8329');
// return the DomainRecord entity 123 of the domain '' updated with new-name, new-data, priority 1, port 2 and weight 3 (name, data, priority, port, weight are nullable)
$updated = $domainRecord->update('', 123, 'new-name', 'new-data', 1, 2, 3);
// delete domain record 123 of the domain ''
$domainRecord->delete('', 123);
// ..
// return the droplet api
$droplet = $digitalocean->droplet();
// return a collection of Droplet entity
$droplets = $droplet->getAll();
// return a collection of Droplet neighbor to Droplet entity 123
$droplets = $droplet->getNeighborsById(123);
// return a collection of Droplet that are running on the same physical hardware
$neighbors = $droplet->getAllNeighbors();
// return a collection of Upgrade entity
$upgrades = $droplet->getUpgrades();
// return the Droplet entity 123
$droplet123 = $droplet->getById(123);
// create and return the created Droplet entity
$created = $droplet->create('the-name', 'nyc1', '512mb', 449676388);
// create and return the created Droplet entity using an image slug
$created = $droplet->create('the-name', 'nyc1', '512mb', 'ubuntu-14-04-x64');
// delete the droplet 123
// return a collection of Kernel entity
$kernels = $droplet->getAvailableKernels(123);
// return a collection of Image entity
$images = $droplet->getSnapshots(123);
// return a collection of Image entity
$backups = $droplet->getBackups(123);
// return a collection og Action entity of the droplet 123
$actions = $droplet->getActions(123);
// return the Action entity 456 of the droplet 123
$action123 = $droplet->getActionById(123, 456);
// reboot droplet 123 and return the Action entity
$rebooted = $droplet->reboot(123);
// power cycle droplet 123 and return the Action entity
$powerCycled = $droplet->powerCycle(123);
// shutdown droplet 123 and return the Action entity
$shutdown = $droplet->shutdown(123);
// power off droplet 123 and return the Action entity
$powerOff = $droplet->powerOff(123);
// power on droplet 123 and return the Action entity
$powerOn = $droplet->powerOn(123);
// reset password droplet 123 and return the Action entity
$passwordReseted = $droplet->passwordReset(123);
// resize droplet 123 with the image 789 and return the Action entity
$resized = $droplet->resize(123, 789);
// restore droplet 123 with the image 789 and return the Action entity
$restored = $droplet->restore(123, 789);
// rebuild droplet 123 with image 789 and return the Action entity
$rebuilt = $droplet->rebuild(123, 789);
// rename droplet 123 to 'new-name' and return the Action entity
$renamed = $droplet->rename(123, 'new-name');
// take a snapshot of droplet 123 and name it 'my-snapshot'. Returns the an Action entity
$snapshot = $droplet->snapshot(123, 'my-snapshot');
// change kernel to droplet 123 with kernel 321 and return the Action entity
$kernelChanged = $droplet->changeKernel(123, 321);
// enable IPv6 to droplet 123 and return the Action entity
$ipv6Enabled = $droplet->enableIpv6(123);
// disable backups to droplet 123 and return the Action entity
$backupsDisabled = $droplet->disableBackups(123);
// enable private networking to droplet 123 and return the Action entity
$privateNetworkingEnabled = $droplet->enablePrivateNetworking(123);
// ..
// return the image api
$image = $digitalocean->image();
// return a collection of Image entity
$images = $image->getAll();
// return a collection of distribution Image entity
$images = $image->getAll(['type' => 'distribution']);
// return a collection of application Image entity
$images = $image->getAll(['type' => 'application']);
// return a collection of private Image entity
$images = $image->getAll(['private' => true]);
// return a collection of private application Image entity
$images = $image->getAll(['type' => 'application', 'private' => true]);
// return the Image entity 123
$image123 = $image->getById(123);
// return the Image entity with the given image slug
$imageFoobar = $image->getBySlug('foobar');
// return the updated Image entity
$updatedImage = $image->update(123, 'new-name');
// delete the image 123
// return the Action entity of the transferred image 123 to the given region slug
$transferredImage = $image->transfer(123, 'region-slug');
// return the Action entity 456 of the image 123
$actionImage = $image->getAction(123, 456);
// ..
// return the key api
$key = $digitalocean->key();
// return a collection of Key entity
$keys = $key->getAll();
// return the Key entity 123
$key123 = $key->getById(123);
// return the Key entity with the given fingerprint
$key = $key->getByFingerprint('f5:de:eb:64:2d:6a:b6:d5:bb:06:47:7f:04:4b:f8:e2');
// return the created Key entity
$createdKey = $key->create('my-key', 'ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAADAQABAAABAQDPrtBjQaNBwDSV3ePC86zaEWu0....');
// return the updated Key entity
$updatedKey = $key->update(123, 'new-key-name');
// return void if deleted successfully
// ..
// return the load balancer api
$loadBalancer = $digitalocean->loadbalancer();
//returns a collection of Load Balancer entities
$loadBalancers = $loadBalancer->getAll();
//return a Load Balancer entity by id
$myLoadBalancer = $loadBalancer->getById('506f78a4-e098-11e5-ad9f-000f53306ae1');
* updates an existing load balancer, the method will except a LoadBalancer
* entity or a load balancer representation in array form, the digitial
* Ocean API
// ..
// return the region api
$region = $digitalocean->region();
// return a collection of Region entity
$regions = $region->getAll();
// ..
// return the size api
$size = $digitalocean->size();
// return a collection of Size entity
$sizes = $size->getAll();
// ..
// returns the rate limit api
$rateLimit = $digitalocean->rateLimit();
// returns the rate limit returned by the latest request
$currentLimit = $rateLimit->getRateLimit();
// ..
// return the volume api
$volume = $digitalocean->volume();
// returns the all volumes
$volumes = $volume->getAll();
// returns the all volumes by region
$volumes = $volume->getAll('nyc1');
// returns volumes by name and region
$volumes = $volume->getByNameAndRegion('example', 'nyc1');
// returns a volume by id
$myvolume = $volume->getById('506f78a4-e098-11e5-ad9f-000f53306ae1');
// returns a volumes snapshots by volume id
$mySnapshots = $volume->getSnapshots('506f78a4-e098-11e5-ad9f-000f53306ae1');
// creates a volume
$myvolume = $volume->create('example', 'Block store for examples', 10, 'nyc1');
// deletes a volume by id
// deletes a volume by name and region
$volume->delete('example', 'nyc1');
// attach a volume to a Droplet
$volume->attach('506f78a4-e098-11e5-ad9f-000f53306ae1', 123, 'nyc1');
// detach a volume from a Droplet
$volume->detach('506f78a4-e098-11e5-ad9f-000f53306ae1', 123, 'nyc1');
// resize a volume
$volume->resize('506f78a4-e098-11e5-ad9f-000f53306ae1', 20, 'nyc1');
// take a snapshot of volume and name it 'my-snapshot'. Returns the Snapshot entity
$snapshot = $volume->snapshot('506f78a4-e098-11e5-ad9f-000f53306ae1', 'my-snapshot');
// get a volume action by its id
$volume->getActionById(123, '506f78a4-e098-11e5-ad9f-000f53306ae1');
// get all actions related to a volume