1. Go to this page and download the library: Download rockett/pipeline library. Choose the download type require.
2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.
3. Add this code to the index.php.
/* Start to develop here. Best regards https://php-download.com/ */
$pipeline = (new Pipeline)->pipe(static function ($traveler) {
return $traveler * 10;
use Rockett\Pipeline\Pipeline;
use Rockett\Pipeline\Contracts\StageContract;
class TimesTwoStage implements StageContract
public function __invoke($traveler)
return $traveler * 2;
class PlusOneStage implements StageContract
public function __invoke($traveler)
return $traveler + 1;
$pipeline = (new Pipeline)
->pipe(new TimesTwoStage)
->pipe(new PlusOneStage);
$pipeline->process(10); // Returns 21
$processApiRequest = (new Pipeline)
->pipe(new ExecuteHttpRequest) // B
->pipe(new ParseJsonResponse); // C
$pipeline = (new Pipeline)
->pipe(new ConvertToPsr7Request) // A
->pipe($processApiRequest) // (B and C)
->pipe(new ConvertToDataTransferObject); // D
$pipeline->process(new DeleteArticle($postId));
use Rockett\Pipeline\Builder\PipelineBuilder;
// Prepare the builder
$pipelineBuilder = (new PipelineBuilder)
->add(new LogicalStage)
->add(new AnotherStage)
->add(new FinalStage);
// Do other work …
// Build the pipeline
$pipeline = $pipelineBuilder->build();
use Rockett\Pipeline\Processors\InterruptibleProcessor;
$processor = new InterruptibleProcessor(
static fn ($traveler) => $traveler->somethingIsntRight()
$pipeline = (new Pipeline($processor))
->pipe(new SafeStage)
->pipe(new UnsafeStage)
->pipe(new AnotherSafeStage);
$output = $pipeline->process($traveler);
use Rockett\Pipeline\Processors\TapProcessor;
// Define and instantiate a $logger and a $broadcaster …
$processor = new TapProcessor(
// $beforeEach, called before a stage is piped
static fn ($traveler) => $logger->info('Traveller passing through pipeline:', $traveler->toArray()),
// $afterEach, called after a stage is piped and the output captured
static fn ($traveler) => $broadcaster->broadcast($users, 'Something happened', $traveler)
$pipeline = (new Pipeline($processor))
->pipe(new StageOne)
->pipe(new StageTwo)
->pipe(new StageThree);
$output = $pipeline->process($traveler);
$processor = (new TapProcessor)->beforeEach(/** callable **/); // or …
$processor = (new TapProcessor)->afterEach(/** callable **/);
$processor = (new TapProcessor)
->beforeEach(/** callable **/)
->afterEach(/** callable **/);