PHP code example of robincsamuel / laravel-msg91

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download robincsamuel/laravel-msg91 library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


robincsamuel / laravel-msg91 example snippets

"    "robincsamuel/laravel-msg91": "dev-master"


'LaravelMsg91' => RobinCSamuel\LaravelMsg91\Facades\LaravelMsg91::class,

   $result = LaravelMsg91::message(919090909090, 'This is a test message');

   $result = LaravelMsg91::message(array('919090909090', '919090909091'), 'This is a test message to multiple recepients');


   $result = LaravelMsg91::sendOtp(919090909090, 1290);

   $result = LaravelMsg91::sendOtp(919090909090, 1290, "Your otp for phone verification is 1290");

   $result = LaravelMsg91::resendOtp(919090909090);

   $result = LaravelMsg91::resendOtp(919090909090, 'voice');

   $result = LaravelMsg91::verifyOtp(919090909090, 1290); // returns true or false

   $result = LaravelMsg91::verifyOtp(919090909090, 1290, ['raw' => true]); // returns what msg91 replies (
$ php artisan vendor:publish