PHP code example of roaresearch / yii2-rmdb

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download roaresearch/yii2-rmdb library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


roaresearch / yii2-rmdb example snippets

use roaresearch\yii2\rmdb\migrations\CreatePivot;

class m170101_000001_product_sale extends CreatePivot
    public $createdByColumn = 'creation_user';
    public $createdAtColumn = 'creation_date';

    public function getTableName()
        return 'product_sale';

    public function columns()
        return [
            'product_id' => ...,
            'sale_id' => ...,

    public function compositePrimaryKeys()
        return ['product_id', 'sale_id'];

use roaresearch\yii2\rmdb\migrations\CreateEntity;

class m170101_000001_product extends CreateEntity
    public $createdByColumn = 'creation_user';
    public $createdAtColumn = 'creation_date';
    public $updatedByColumn = 'edition_user';
    public $updatedAtColumn = 'edition_date';

    public function getTableName()
        return 'product';

    public function columns()
        return [
            'id' => $this->prymariKey()->...,
            'name' => ...,

use roaresearch\yii2\rmdb\migrations\CreatePersistentEntity;

class m170101_000001_sale extends CreatePersistentEntity
    public $createdByColumn = 'creation_user';
    public $createdAtColumn = 'creation_date';
    public $updatedByColumn = 'edition_user';
    public $updatedAtColumn = 'edition_date';
    public $deletedByColumn = 'deletion_user';
    public $deletedAtColumn = 'deletion_date';

    public function getTableName()
        return 'product';

    public function columns()
        return [
            'id' => $this->prymariKey()->...,
            'store_id' => ...,

use roaresearch\yii2\rmdb\Module as RmdbModule;

return [
    // ...
    'modules' => [
        'rmdb' => [
            'class' => RmdbModule::class,
            'timestampClass' => ..., // optional
            'blameableClass' => ..., // optional
            'softDeleteClass' => ..., // optional
            'timestampValue' => time(), // optional by default uses `now()`
            'defaultUserId' => 5, // optional

class ProductSale extends \roaresearch\yii2\rmdb\models\Pivot
    protected $createdByAttribute = 'creation_user';
    protected $createdAtAttribute = 'creation_date';

    // rest of model methods and logic

class Product extends \roaresearch\yii2\rmdb\models\Entity
    protected $createdByAttribute = 'creation_user';
    protected $createdAtAttribute = 'creation_date';
    protected $updatedByAttribute = 'edition_user';
    protected $updatedAtAttribute = 'edition_date';

    // rest of model methods and logic

class Product extends \roaresearch\yii2\rmdb\models\PersistentEntity
    protected $createdByAttribute = 'creation_user';
    protected $createdAtAttribute = 'creation_date';
    protected $updatedByAttribute = 'edition_user';
    protected $updatedAtAttribute = 'edition_date';
    protected $deletedAtAttribute = 'deletion_user';
    protected $deletedAtAttribute = 'deletion_date';

    // rest of model methods and logic

  ->innerJoin('brand b')