PHP code example of rmzamora / zenddiagnostics

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download rmzamora/zenddiagnostics library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


rmzamora / zenddiagnostics example snippets

// run_diagnostics.php

use ZendDiagnostics\Check;
use ZendDiagnostics\Runner\Runner;
use ZendDiagnostics\Runner\Reporter\BasicConsole;
use ZendDiagnostics\Check\DiskFree;


// Add console reporter
$runner->addReporter(new BasicConsole(80, true));

// Run all checks

$runner = new Runner();
$checkSpace = new Check\DiskFree('/tmp', 100000000);
$checkTemp  = new Check\DirWritable('/tmp');

// Run all checks
$results = $runner->run();

echo "Number of successful tests: " . $results->getSuccessCount() . "\n";
echo "Number of failed tests:     " . $results->getFailureCount() . "\n";

if ($results[$checkSpace] instanceof \ZendDiagnostics\Result\FailureInterface) {
    echo "Oooops! We're running out of space on temp.\n";

if ($results[$checkTemp] instanceof \ZendDiagnostics\Result\FailureInterface) {
    echo "It seems that /tmp is not writable - this is a serious problem!\n";

interface CheckInterface
     * @return ResultInterface
    public function check();

     * Return a label describing this test instance.
     * @return string
    public function getLabel();

namespace MyApp\Diagnostics\Check;

use ZendDiagnostics\Check\CheckInterface;
use ZendDiagnostics\Result\Success;
use ZendDiagnostics\Result\Failure;

class TimezoneSetToUTC implements CheckInterface
    public function check()
        $tz = date_default_timezone_get();

        if ($tz == 'UTC') {
            return new Success('Default timezone is UTC');
        } else {
            return new Failure('Default timezone is not UTC! It is actually ' . $tz);

    public function getLabel()
        return 'Check if PHP default timezone is set to UTC';

interface ReporterInterface
    public function onStart(ArrayObject $checks, $runnerConfig);
    public function onBeforeRun(Check $check);
    public function onAfterRun(Check $check, Result $result);
    public function onStop(ResultsCollection $results);
    public function onFinish(ResultsCollection $results);

use ZendDiagnostics\Check\ApcFragmentation;

// Display a warning with fragmentation > 50% and failure when above 90%
$fragmentation = new ApcFragmentation(50, 90);

use ZendDiagnostics\Check\ApcMemory;

// Display a warning with memory usage is above 70% and a failure above 90%
$checkFreeMemory = new ApcMemory(70, 90);

use ZendDiagnostics\Check\Callback;
use ZendDiagnostics\Result\Success;
use ZendDiagnostics\Result\Failure;

$checkDbFile = new Callback(function(){
    $path = __DIR__ . '/data/db.sqlite';
    if(is_file($path) && is_readable($path) && filesize($path)) {
        return new Success('Db file is ok');
    } else {
        return new Failure('There is something wrong with the db file');

use ZendDiagnostics\Check\ClassExists;

$checkLuaClass    = new ClassExists('Lua');
$checkRbacClasses = new ClassExists(array(

use ZendDiagnostics\Check\CpuPerformance;

$checkMinCPUSpeed = new CpuPerformance(0.5); // at least 50% of EC2 micro instance

use ZendDiagnostics\Check\DirReadable;

$checkPublic = new DirReadable('public/');
$checkAssets = new DirReadable(array(
    __DIR__ . '/assets/img',
    __DIR__ . '/assets/js'

use ZendDiagnostics\Check\DirWritable;

$checkTemporary = new DirWritable('/tmp');
$checkAssets    = new DirWritable(array(
    __DIR__ . '/assets/customImages',
    __DIR__ . '/assets/customJs',
    __DIR__ . '/assets/uploads',

use ZendDiagnostics\Check\DiskFree;

$tempHasAtLeast100Megs  = new DiskFree('100MB', '/tmp');
$homeHasAtLeast1TB      = new DiskFree('1TiB',  '/home');
$dataHasAtLeast900Bytes = new DiskFree(900, __DIR__ . '/data/');

use ZendDiagnostics\Check\ExtensionLoaded;

$checkMbstring    = new ExtensionLoaded('mbstring');
$checkCompression = new ExtensionLoaded(array(

use ZendDiagnostics\Check\HttpService;

// Try to connect to
$checkGoogle = new HttpService('');

// Check port 8080 on localhost
$checkLocal = new HttpService('', 8080);

// Check that the page exists (response code must equal 200)
$checkPage = new HttpService('', 80, '/some/page.html', 200);

// Check page content
$checkPageContent = new HttpService(
    '<title>Hello World</title>'

use ZendDiagnostics\Check\GuzzleHttpService;

// Try to connect to
$checkGoogle = new GuzzleHttpService('');

// Check port 8080 on localhost
$checkLocal = new GuzzleHttpService('');

// Check that the page exists (response code must equal 200)
$checkPage = new GuzzleHttpService('');

// Check page content
$checkPageContent = new GuzzleHttpService(
    '<title>Hello World</title>'

// Check that the post request returns the content
$checkPageContent = new GuzzleHttpService(
    array("post_field" => "post_value")

use ZendDiagnostics\Check\Memcache;

$checkLocal  = new Memcache(''); // default port
$checkBackup = new Memcache('', 11212);

use ZendDiagnostics\Check\PhpVersion;

$ '<');

use ZendDiagnostics\Check\PhpFlag;

// This check will fail if use_only_cookies is not enabled
$sessionOnlyUsesCookies = new PhpFlag('session.use_only_cookies', true);

// This check will fail if safe_mode has been enabled
$noSafeMode = new PhpFlag('safe_mode', false);

// The following will fail if any of the flags is enabled
$check = new PhpFlag(array(
), false);

use ZendDiagnostics\Check\ProcessRunning;

$checkApache = new ProcessRunning('httpd');

$checkProcess1000 = new ProcessRunning(1000);

use ZendDiagnostics\Check\RabbitMQ;

$rabbitMQCheck = new RabbitMQ('localhost', 5672, 'guest', 'guest', '/');

use ZendDiagnostics\Check\Redis;

$redisCheck = new Redis('localhost', 6379, 'secret');

use ZendDiagnostics\Check\SecurityAdvisory;

// Warn about any packages that might have security vulnerabilities and poser.lock');

use ZendDiagnostics\Check\StreamWrapperExists;

$checkOGGStream   = new StreamWrapperExists('ogg');
$checkCompression = new StreamWrapperExists(array(

use Doctrine\DBAL\Migrations\Configuration\Configuration;
use Doctrine\ORM\EntityManager;
use ZendDiagnostics\Check\DoctrineMigration;

$em = EntityManager::create(/** config */);
$migrationConfig = new Configuration($em);
$check = new DoctrineMigration($migrationConfig);

use ZendDiagnostics\Check\IniFile;

$checkIniFile = new IniFile('/my/path/to/file.ini');
$checkIniFile = new IniFile(['file1.ini', 'file2.ini', '...']);

use ZendDiagnostics\Check\JsonFile;

$checkJsonFile = new JsonFile('/my/path/to/file.json');
$checkJsonFile = new JsonFile(['file1.json', 'file2.json', '...']);

use ZendDiagnostics\Check\XmlFile;

$checkXmlFile = new XmlFile('/my/path/to/file.xml');
$checkXmlFile = new XmlFile(['file1.xml', 'file2.xml', '...']);

use ZendDiagnostics\Check\YamlFile;

$checkYamlFile = new YamlFile('/my/path/to/file.yml');
$checkYamlFile = new YamlFile(['file1.yml', 'file2.yml', '...']);
> php run_diagnostics.php
Starting diagnostics:


OK (2 diagnostic tests)