PHP code example of rize / uri-template

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download rize/uri-template library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


rize / uri-template example snippets

use Rize\UriTemplate;

$uri = new UriTemplate();
$uri->expand('/{username}/profile', ['username' => 'john']);

>> '/john/profile'

use Rize\UriTemplate;

$uri = new UriTemplate();
$uri->expand('/search/{term:1}/{term}/{?q*,limit}', [
    'term'  => 'john',
    'q'     => ['a', 'b'],
    'limit' => 10,

>> '/search/j/john/?q=a&q=b&limit=10'

use Rize\UriTemplate;

$uri = new UriTemplate();
$uri->expand('http://{host}{/segments*}/{file}{.extensions*}', [
    'host'       => '',
    'segments'   => ['path', 'to', 'a'],
    'file'       => 'file',
    'extensions' => ['x', 'y'],

>> ''

use Rize\UriTemplate;

$uri = new UriTemplate('{version}', ['version' => 1.1]);
$uri->expand('/statuses/show/{id}.json', ['id' => '210462857140252672']);


use Rize\UriTemplate;

$uri = new UriTemplate('{version}', ['version' => 1.1]);

$params = $uri->extract('/search/{term:1}/{term}/{?q*,limit}', '/search/j/john/?q=a&q=b&limit=10');

>> print_r($params);
    [term:1] => j
    [term] => john
    [q] => Array
            [0] => a
            [1] => b

    [limit] => 10

use Rize\UriTemplate;

$uri = new UriTemplate();
$uri->extract($template, $uri, $strict = false)

use Rize\UriTemplate;

$uri = new UriTemplate();
$params = $uri->extract('/{?a,b}', '/?a=1')

>> print_r($params);
    [a] => 1
    [b] => null

use Rize\UriTemplate;

$uri = new UriTemplate();

// Note that variable `b` is absent in uri
$params = $uri->extract('/{?a,b}', '/?a=1', true);

>>> null

// Now we give `b` some value
$params = $uri->extract('/{?a,b}', '/?a=1&b=2', true);

>>> print_r($params)
  [a] => 1
  [b] => 2

$uri->expand('{?list%,keys%}', [
    'list' => [
        'a', 'b',
    'keys' => [
        'a' => 1,
        'b' => 2,

// '?list[]=a&list[]=b&keys[a]=1&keys[b]=2'
>> '?list%5B%5D=a&list%5B%5D=b&keys%5Ba%5D=1&keys%5Bb%5D=2'

// [] get encoded to %5B%5D i.e. '?list[]=a&list[]=b&keys[a]=1&keys[b]=2'
$params = $uri->extract('{?list%,keys%}', '?list%5B%5D=a&list%5B%5D=b&keys%5Ba%5D=1&keys%5Bb%5D=2', )

>> print_r($params);
    [list] => Array
            [0] => a
            [1] => b

    [keys] => Array
            [a] => 1
            [b] => 2