PHP code example of rivalex / laravel-intl
1. Go to this page and download the library: Download rivalex/laravel-intl library . Choose the download type require .
2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.
3. Add this code to the index.php.
/* Start to develop here. Best regards */
rivalex / laravel-intl example snippets
'providers' => [
'aliases' => [
// ...
'Country' => Rivalex\LaravelIntl\Facades\Country::class,
'Currency' => Rivalex\LaravelIntl\Facades\Currency::class,
'Language' => Rivalex\LaravelIntl\Facades\Language::class,
'Number' => Rivalex\LaravelIntl\Facades\Number::class,
'aliases' => [
// ...
'Country' => Rivalex\LaravelIntl\Facades\Country::class,
'Currency' => Rivalex\LaravelIntl\Facades\Currency::class,
'Language' => Rivalex\LaravelIntl\Facades\Language::class,
'Number' => Rivalex\LaravelIntl\Facades\Number::class,
use Rivalex\LaravelIntl\Facades\Country;
// Application locale: nl
Country::name('US'); // Verenigde Staten
Country::all(); // ['US' => 'Verenigde Staten', 'BE' => 'België', ...]
// Application locale: en
country('US'); // United States
country()->all(); // ['US' => 'United States', 'BE' => 'Belgium', ...]
use Rivalex\LaravelIntl\Facades\Currency;
// Application locale: nl
Currency::name('USD'); // Amerikaanse dollar
Currency::symbol('USD'); // $
Currency::format(1000, 'USD'); // $ 1.000,00
Currency::formatAccounting(-1234, 'USD'); // (US$ 1.234,00)
Currency::all(); // ['USD' => 'Amerikaanse dollar', 'EUR' => 'Euro', ...]
// Application locale: en
currency('USD'); // US Dollar
currency()->symbol('USD'); // $
currency(1000, 'USD'); // $1,000.00
currency()->all(); // ['USD' => 'US Dollar', 'EUR' => 'Euro', ...]
use Rivalex\LaravelIntl\Facades\Currency;
// Application locale: nl
Currency::parse('€ 1.234,50'); // 1234.5
// Application locale: nl
currency()->parse('€ 1.234,50'); // 1234.5
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Date;
$date = Date::now(); // or carbon()->now()
use Rivalex\LaravelIntl\Facades\Language;
// Application locale: nl
Language::name('en'); // Engels
Language::all(); // ['en' => 'Engels', 'nl' => 'Nederlands', ...]
// Application locale: en
language('en'); // English
language()->all(); // ['en' => 'English', 'nl' => 'Dutch', ...]
use Rivalex\LaravelIntl\Facades\Number;
// Application locale: en
Number::format(1000); // '1,000'
Number::percent('0.75'); // '75%'
// Application locale: fr
number(1000); // '1 000'
number()->percent('0.75'); // '75 %'
use Rivalex\LaravelIntl\Facades\Number;
// Application locale: fr
Number::parse('1 000'); // 1000
number()->parse('1,5'); // 1.5
country()->name('US'); // United States
country()->usingLocale('nl', function($country) {
return $country->name('US');
}); // Verenigde Staten
country()->name('US'); // United States