PHP code example of risan / oauth1

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download risan/oauth1 library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


risan / oauth1 example snippets

// Includes the Composer autoload file.
eate an instance of Risan\OAuth1\OAuth1 class.
$oauth1 = Risan\OAuth1\OAuth1Factory::create([
    'client_credentials_identifier' => 'YOUR_TWITTER_API_KEY',
    'client_credentials_secret' => 'YOUR_TWITTER_API_SECRET',
    'temporary_credentials_uri' => '',
    'authorization_uri' => '',
    'token_credentials_uri' => '',
    'callback_uri' => 'YOUR_CALLBACK_URI',

if (isset($_SESSION['token_credentials'])) {
    // Get back the previosuly obtain token credentials (step 3).
    $tokenCredentials = unserialize($_SESSION['token_credentials']);

    // STEP 4: Retrieve the user's tweets.
    // It will return the Psr\Http\Message\ResponseInterface instance.
    $response = $oauth1->request('GET', '');

    // Convert the response to array and display it.
    var_dump(json_decode($response->getBody()->getContents(), true));
} elseif (isset($_GET['oauth_token']) && isset($_GET['oauth_verifier'])) {
    // Get back the previosuly generated temporary credentials (step 1).
    $temporaryCredentials = unserialize($_SESSION['temporary_credentials']);

    // STEP 3: Obtain the token credentials (also known as access token).
    $tokenCredentials = $oauth1->requestTokenCredentials($temporaryCredentials, $_GET['oauth_token'], $_GET['oauth_verifier']);

    // Store the token credentials in session for later use.
    $_SESSION['token_credentials'] = serialize($tokenCredentials);

    // this basically just redirecting to the current page so that the query string is removed.
    header('Location: ' . (string) $oauth1->getConfig()->getCallbackUri());
} else {
    // STEP 1: Obtain a temporary credentials (also known as the request token)
    $temporaryCredentials = $oauth1->requestTemporaryCredentials();

    // Store the temporary credentials in session so we can use it on step 3.
    $_SESSION['temporary_credentials'] = serialize($temporaryCredentials);

    // STEP 2: Generate and redirect user to authorization URI.
    $authorizationUri = $oauth1->buildAuthorizationUri($temporaryCredentials);
    header("Location: {$authorizationUri}");

$plainTextSigner = new Risan\OAuth1\Signature\PlainTextSigner();

$oauth1 = Risan\OAuth1\OAuth1Factory::create($config, $plainTextSigner);

$temporaryCredentials = $oauth1->requestTemporaryCredentials();

$authorizationUri = $oauth1->buildAuthorizationUri($temporaryCredentials);

// Redirect user to the authorization URI.
header("Location: {$authorizationUri}");

$tokenCredentials = $oauth1->requestTokenCredentials($temporaryCredentials, $_GET['oauth_token'], $_GET['oauth_verifier']);

// Set the previously obtained token credentials.

// Make a request to the protected resource.
$response = $oauth1->request('GET', '');

$response = $oauth1->request($method, $uri, $options);

// GET method
$oauth1->get($uri, $options);

// POST method
$oauth1->post($uri, $options);

// PUT method
$oauth1->put($uri, $options);

// PATCH method
$oauth1->patch($uri, $options);

// DELETE method
$oauth1->delete($uri, $options);

echo $response->getStatusCode();

// Get all of the headers
$headers = $response->getHeaders();

// Or get a specific header
$header = $response->getHeader('X-Foo');

$bodyStream = $response->getBody();

// Get the string representation of the stream
$bodyStream = $bodyStream->getContents();

// Or simply cast it
$bodyString = (string) $bodyStream;

$result = json_decode($response->getBody()->getContents(), true);

$oauth1 = Risan\OAuth1\ProviderFactory::trello([
    'client_credentials_identifier' => 'YOUR_TRELLO_API_KEY',
    'client_credentials_secret' => 'YOUR_TRELLO_SECRET',
    'callback_uri' => 'YOUR_CALLBACK_URI',

$response = $oauth1->request('GET', 'members/johndoe/cards');

$oauth1 = Risan\OAuth1\ProviderFactory::tumblr([
    'client_credentials_identifier' => 'YOUR_TUMBLR_CONSUMER_KEY',
    'client_credentials_secret' => 'YOUR_TUMBLR_CONSUMER_SECRET',
    'callback_uri' => 'YOUR_CALLBACK_URI',

$response = $oauth1->request('GET', 'user/info');

$oauth1 = Risan\OAuth1\ProviderFactory::twitter([
    'client_credentials_identifier' => 'YOUR_TWITTER_CONSUMER_KEY',
    'client_credentials_secret' => 'YOUR_TWITTER_CONSUMER_SECRET',
    'callback_uri' => 'YOUR_CALLBACK_URI',

$response = $oauth1->request('GET', 'statuses/user_timeline.json');

$oauth1 = Risan\OAuth1\ProviderFactory::upwork([
    'client_credentials_identifier' => 'YOUR_API_KEY',
    'client_credentials_secret' => 'YOUR_API_SECRET',
    'callback_uri' => 'YOUR_CALLBACK_URI',

$response = $oauth1->request('GET', 'api/auth/v1/info.json');