PHP code example of rikudou / skqrpayment

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download rikudou/skqrpayment library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


rikudou / skqrpayment example snippets

use rikudou\SkQrPayment\QrPayment;
use Rikudou\Iban\Iban\IBAN;
use rikudou\SkQrPayment\Iban\IbanBicPair;

// without IBANs
$payment = new QrPayment();

// one IBAN
$payment = new QrPayment(new IBAN('SK1234567890123456'));

// multiple IBANs, there can be as many as you want
$payment = new QrPayment(
    new IBAN('SK1234567890123456'),
    new IBAN('SK1234567890123456'),
    new IbanBicPair('SK1234567890123456', 'BANKBIC')

use rikudou\SkQrPayment\QrPayment;

$payment = QrPayment::fromIBAN('SK1234567890123456');

use rikudou\SkQrPayment\QrPayment;
use Rikudou\Iban\Iban\IBAN;
use rikudou\SkQrPayment\Iban\IbanBicPair;

$payment = new QrPayment();

$iban1 = new IBAN('SK1234567890123456');
$iban2 = new IBAN('SK6543210987654321');

// object now contains both IBANs

// only the first IBAN is now present in the object

// You don't have to store the object, the ibans are considered the same if the string representation is the same:
    ->removeIban(new IbanBicPair('SK1234567890123456'));

// the object now doesn't contain any IBAN


use rikudou\SkQrPayment\QrPayment;
use rikudou\SkQrPayment\Payment\QrPaymentOptions;
use Rikudou\Iban\Iban\IBAN;

$payment = new QrPayment();

    QrPaymentOptions::AMOUNT => 100,
    QrPaymentOptions::COMMENT => 'payment',
    QrPaymentOptions::CONSTANT_SYMBOL => 123,
    QrPaymentOptions::COUNTRY => 'SK',
    QrPaymentOptions::CURRENCY => 'EUR',
    QrPaymentOptions::DUE_DATE => new DateTime('+1 week'),
    QrPaymentOptions::INTERNAL_ID => '456',
    QrPaymentOptions::PAYEE_NAME => 'John Doe',
    QrPaymentOptions::SPECIFIC_SYMBOL => 789,
    QrPaymentOptions::VARIABLE_SYMBOL => 012,
    QrPaymentOptions::XZ_PATH => '/path/to/xz',
    QrPaymentOptions::IBANS => [
        new IBAN('SK1234567890123456')

use rikudou\SkQrPayment\QrPayment;
use Rikudou\Iban\Iban\IBAN;

$payment = new QrPayment();
    ->setDueDate(new DateTime('+1 week'))
    ->setPayeeName('John Doe')
        new IBAN('SK01234567890123456')

use rikudou\SkQrPayment\QrPayment;
use Endroid\QrCode\QrCode;

$payment = new QrPayment(...);

$qrCode = $payment->getQrCode();

// get the raw image data and display them in the browser
header('Content-Type: image/png');
echo $qrCode->getRawString();

// use in an img html tag
echo "<img src='{$qrCode->getDataUri()}'>";

// write to a file

// get the raw object from the underlying system
$raw = $qrCode->getRawObject();
// let's assume we're using endroid/qr-code v4
assert($raw instanceof QrCode);
// do some custom transformations
// the object is still referenced by the adapter, meaning we can now render it the same way as before
echo "<img src='{$qrCode->getDataUri()}'>";

use rikudou\SkQrPayment\QrPayment;
use Rikudou\Iban\Iban\IBAN;

$payment = new QrPayment(new IBAN('SK6807200002891987426353'));

    ->setDueDate(new DateTime('+1 week'))

$qrString = $payment->getQrString();

// $qrString now holds the string to embed inside the QR code, in this example:

$qrCode = $payment->getQrImage();

// send to browser
header('Content-Type: ' . $qrCode->getContentType());
echo $qrCode->writeString();