PHP code example of rikudou / lemmy-api

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download rikudou/lemmy-api library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


rikudou / lemmy-api example snippets

use Rikudou\LemmyApi\DefaultLemmyApi;
use Rikudou\LemmyApi\Enum\LemmyApiVersion;
use Symfony\Component\HttpClient\Psr18Client;
use Nyholm\Psr7\Factory\Psr17Factory;
use Rikudou\LemmyApi\Enum\Language;
use Rikudou\LemmyApi\Exception\LemmyApiException;

$api = new DefaultLemmyApi(
    instanceUrl: '', 
    version: LemmyApiVersion::Version3, // this is currently the only supported version
    httpClient: new Psr18Client(), // assuming you use Symfony, otherwise provide any other implementation
    requestFactory: new Psr17Factory(), // assuming you use Nyholm, otherwise provide any other implementation,

// before calling anything else, you must login

$response = $api->login('my_username_or_email', 'myPassword');

// now you can call any other methods, you don't even have to store the $response result, you are logged in automatically

try {
    $community = $api->community()->get('some_cool_community');
    $result = $api->post()->create($community, 'Post Name', body: 'Some content', language: Language::English);
} catch (LemmyApiException $e) {
    // todo handle exception - all exceptions implement the LemmyApiException interface

use Rikudou\LemmyApi\DefaultLemmyApi;
use Rikudou\LemmyApi\Enum\LemmyApiVersion;
use Symfony\Component\HttpClient\Psr18Client;
use Nyholm\Psr7\Factory\Psr17Factory;
use Rikudou\LemmyApi\Enum\Language;
use Rikudou\LemmyApi\Exception\LemmyApiException;

$api = new DefaultLemmyApi(
    instanceUrl: '', 
    version: LemmyApiVersion::Version3,
    httpClient: new Psr18Client(),
    requestFactory: new Psr17Factory(),
    strictDeserialization: false, // here you disable the strict mode

use Rikudou\LemmyApi\Enum\Language;
use Rikudou\LemmyApi\Exception\LemmyApiException;
use Rikudou\LemmyApi\LemmyApi;

final readonly class RemindMeBot
    public function __construct(
        private LemmyApi $api,
        // how long to sleep between each loop
        private int $sleepFor,
        private string $username,
        #[SensitiveParameter] private string $password,
    ) {

    public function loop(): void
        while (true) {
            try {
                $unreadMentions = $this->api->currentUser()->getMentions(
                    unreadOnly: true,

                foreach ($unreadMentions as $mention) {
                    $author = $mention->creator->id;
                    $message = $mention->comment->content;
                    $dateTime = $this->getDateFromMessage($message);

                    $this->storeReminderInDatabase($author, $dateTime);

                        post: $mention->post,
                        content: "Sure, I'll let you know!",
                        language: Language::English,
                        parent: $mention->comment,
            } catch (LemmyApiException $e) {


    private function login(): void
        $this->api->login($this->username, $this->password);

    private function getDateFromMessage(string $message): DateTimeInterface
        // todo implement this yourself

    private function storeReminderInDatabase(int $userId, DateTimeInterface $dateTime): void
        // todo implement this yourself

    private function logException(LemmyApiException $e): void
        // todo implement this yourself