PHP code example of rikudou / enums-trait

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download rikudou/enums-trait library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


rikudou / enums-trait example snippets

MyCoolEnum::Test() == MyCoolEnum::Test(); // true
MyCoolEnum::Test() === MyCoolEnum::Test(); // true
MyCoolEnum::Test() == MyCoolEnum::Test2(); // false
MyCoolEnum::Test() === MyCoolEnum::Test2(); // false

use rikudou\PHPEnum\EnumTrait;

class MyCoolEnum
  use EnumTrait;

$testValue = MyCoolEnum::TestValue();
$testValue2 = MyCoolEnum::TestValue2();
$testValue3 = MyCoolEnum::PrettyMuchAnythingCanGoHere();

use rikudou\PHPEnum\EnumTrait;

class MyCoolEnum
  use EnumTrait;
  public static function EnumValue1() {
    return static::_get("EnumValue1");
  public static function EnumValue2() {
    return static::_get("EnumValue2");

use rikudou\PHPEnum\EnumTrait;

 * @method static static EnumValue1()
 * @method static static EnumValue2()
class MyCoolEnum
  use EnumTrait;

use rikudou\PHPEnum\EnumTrait;

class MyCoolEnum
  use EnumTrait;
  private static function allowedValues()
    return [
  public static function Value3()
    return static::_get("Value3");

function doSomething(MyCoolEnum $myCoolEnum)
  switch ($myCoolEnum) {
    case MyCoolEnum::Value1():
      return "Value1";
    case MyCoolEnum::Value2():
      return "Value2";
    // etc

echo MyCoolEnum::SomeCoolValue()->getValue(); // echoes "SomeCoolValue"

use rikudou\PHPEnum\EnumTrait;

class MyCoolEnum {
  use EnumTrait;
  public static function MyCoolValue() {
    return static::_get(1);

echo MyCoolEnum::MyCoolValue()->getValue(); // echoes 1

use rikudou\PHPEnum\EnumTrait;

class MyCoolEnum {
  use EnumTrait;
  public static function Value1() {
    return static::_get("Value");
  public static function Value2() {
    return static::_get("Value"); // same as in Value1()

var_dump(MyCoolEnum::Value1() === MyCoolEnum::Value2()); // dumps true