PHP code example of rikcage / yii2-user-logs

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download rikcage/yii2-user-logs library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


rikcage / yii2-user-logs example snippets

	'modules' => [
		'logs' => [ // you can create several 'logs', 'logs_admin', etc. sections
                    // if you want another table different from '{{%logs}} or several tables
			'class' => 'rikcage\user_logs\UserLogs',
			'params' => [
				'userClass' => 'account\models\User',
				'username' => 'user_name',
				'userid' => 'user_id',
				//'log_table' => '{{%logs_admin}}', // if you want another table different from '{{%logs}}', default 'log_table' => '{{%logs}}'
			'access_rules' => [ // Setting permissions for viewing logs (http://your_site/logs/logs)
					'actions' => null, //for all
					'allow' => true,
					'roles' => ['@'],
			//'behaviors_params' => [ // additional settings of the behaviors () method for Logic Controller,
                                    // eg using access control extensions.
			//	'as AccessBehavior' => [
			//		'class' => AccessBehavior::className(),
			//	],
			//'virtual_cron' => false, //default virtual_cron=true once a day deletes old logs for disable use virtual_cron=false
			//'var_name_last_delete' => 'logs_last_delete', // variable name the date of the last clean of the log, default var_name_last_delete=logs_last_delete
			'logs_live' => '-100 day', // lifetime of log
			'gitignore_list' => [ // ignored events of controllers and models.


use rikcage\user_logs\models\UserLog;


	public function beforeAction($action)
		if (!parent::beforeAction($action)) {
			return false;
		UserLog::initTable('logs'); // if you want another section with settings different from 'logs_admin' model
		$log = new UserLog;
		$log->actionlog('ACTION', $this);

		return true;

use rikcage\user_logs\models\UserLog;


	public function behaviors()
        //UserLog::initTable('logs_admin'); // if you want another section with settings different from 'logs' model
		return [

$ php composer.phar