PHP code example of rifkyekayama / faspay-laravel-5
1. Go to this page and download the library: Download rifkyekayama/faspay-laravel-5 library. Choose the download type require.
2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.
3. Add this code to the index.php.
/* Start to develop here. Best regards */
// Customer class example. You can apply to any model you want.
use Rifkyekayama\Faspay\CustomerInterface;
class Customer implements CustomerInterface
public function getFaspayCustomerNumber()
return 'customer-number';
public function getFaspayCustomerName()
return 'customer-name';
public function getFaspayCustomerEmail()
return 'customer-email';
public function getFaspayCustomerPhone()
return 'customer-phone';
public function getFaspayPreferredCurrency()
return 'customer-currency';
// Item class example. You can apply to any model you want.
use Rifkyekayama\Faspay\Payable;
class Item implements Payable
public function getPayableName()
return 'Product Name';
public function getPayablePrice()
return 300000;
// An example how to use the API.
Route::get('/', function () {
$customer = new Customer();
$payable = new Item();
$payment = Payment::performedBy($customer)
$payment->addItem($payable, 2);
$response = Faspay::registerPayment($payment);
return Faspay::redirectToPay($payment);
Route::get('/callback-notif', function(\Illuminate\Http\Request $request) {
return Faspay::notified($request, function(\Rifkyekayama\Faspay\Notification $notification) {
return $notification;
class TopupBillingProfile implements BillingProfileInterface
public function description()
return 'Topup Saldo';
public function generate(Payment $payment)
return str_random(15);
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