PHP code example of ride / lib-html

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download ride/lib-html library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


ride / lib-html example snippets

use ride\library\form\Form;
use ride\library\html\table\decorator\StaticDecorator;
use ride\library\html\table\decorator\ValueDecorator;
use ride\library\html\table\FormTable;
use ride\library\html\Anchor;
use ride\library\html\HtmlParser;
use ride\library\html\Image;
use ride\library\html\Meta;
use ride\library\html\Pagination;

function exampleAnchor() {
    $anchor = new Anchor('ride/lib-html', '');
    $html = $anchor->getHtml();
    // <a id="github-link" class="btn btn-primary" href="">ride/lib-html</a>

function exampleImage() {
    $image = new Image('https://url/to/image');
    $image->setAttribute('alt', 'Caption for the image');
    $html = $image->getHtml();
    // <img src="https://url-to-image" alt="Caption for the image" />

function exampleMeta() {
    $meta = new Meta();
    $meta->setContent('width=device-width, initial-scale=1, shrink-to-fit=no');
    $html = $meta->getHtml();
    // <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1, shrink-to-fit=no" />
    $meta = new Meta();
    $meta->setContent('My Title');
    $html = $meta->getHtml();
    // <meta property="og:title" content="My Title" />

function examplePagination() {
    $pages = 3;
    $page = 2;
    $pagination = new Pagination($pages, $page);

    $previous = $pagination->getPreviousLink();
    // http://url/to/?page=1
    $next = $pagination->getNextLink();
    // http://url/to/?page=3
    $anchors = $pagination->getAnchors();
    // array all the anchor instances
    $html = $pagination->getHtml();
    // <div class="pagination">
    // <ul>
    //     <li><a href="http://url/to/?page=1">&laquo;</a></li>
    //     <li><a href="http://url/to/?page=1">1</a></li>
    //     <li class="active"><a href="http://url/to/?page=2">2</a></li>
    //     <li><a href="http://url/to/?page=2">3</a></li>
    //     <li><a href="http://url/to/?page=3">&raquo;</a></li>
    // </ul>
    // </div>

function exampleHtmlParser() {
    $html = '
<a href="some/action">Some text</a>
<a href="">Foo</a>
<a href="#"><img src="img/icon.png"/></a>
    $baseUrl = 'http://url/to';
    $htmlParser = new HtmlParser($html);
    $html = $htmlParser->getHtml();
    // <a href="http://url/to/some/action">Some text</a>
    // <a href="">Foo</a>
    // <a href="#"><img src="http://url/to/img/icon.png"/></a>

function exampleFormTable(Form $form) {
    // some sample data, can be objects or anything
    $values = array(
        2 => array('name' => 'John', 'surname' => 'Doe', 'age' => 35),
        5 => array('name' => 'Jane', 'surname' => 'Doe', 'age' => 33),
        9 => array('name' => 'Neville', 'surname' => 'Brown', 'age' => 41),
    $baseUrl = 'http://url/to/overview';
    // lets create the table
    $table = new FormTable($values);
    // add some decorators to create columns, heading decorators are optional
    $table->addDecorator(new ValueDecorator('name'), new StaticDecorator('Name'));
    $table->addDecorator(new ValueDecorator('surname'), new StaticDecorator('Surname'));
    $table->addDecorator(new ValueDecorator('age'), new StaticDecorator('Age'));
    // add order methods on the values
    $hasOrder = $table->hasOrderMethods();
    // false;
    // a simple ordering callback, one for ascending and one for descending
    $orderNameAscCallback = 'orderNameAsc';
    $orderNameDescCallback = 'orderNameDesc';
    $table->addOrderMethod('Name', $orderNameAscCallback, $orderNameDescCallback);
    // you can add extra arguments for your callbacks, check the function signatures further below
    $orderCustomAscCallback = 'orderCustomAsc';
    $orderCustomDescCallback = 'orderCustomDesc';
    $table->addOrderMethod('Custom', $orderCustomAscCallback, $orderCustomDescCallback, 'name', 'surname', 'age');

    $hasOrder = $table->hasOrderMethods();
    // false;

    // now add some pagination
    $hasPaginationOptions = $table->hasPaginationOptions();
    // false
    $table->setPaginationOptions(array(5, 10, 25, 50, 100, 250));
    $table->setPaginationUrl($baseUrl . '?page=%page%');
    // searching values is to be implemented by extending the FormTable class and implementing the applySearch method
    $hasSearch = $table->hasSearch();
    // false;
    $searchQuery = $table->getSearchQuery();
    // 'doe'
    $hasSearch = $table->hasSearch();
    // true;
    // but it wont work unless applySearch is implemented
    // add some actions which can be applied on multiple items in the table
    $moveCallback = 'onMove';
    $deleteCallback = 'onDelete';
    $hasActions = $table->hasActions();
    // false
    $table->addAction('Move', $moveCallback);
    $table->addAction('Delete', $deleteCallback, 'Are you sure you want to delete the selected items?');
    $hasActions = $table->hasActions();
    // true
    $actionConfirmationMessages = $table->getActionConfirmationMessages);
    // array(
    //     'Delete' => 'Are you sure you want to delete the selected items?',
    // ) 
    // we have an unbuild form, add the table to it as a component
    $form->addRow('table', 'component', array(
        'component' => $table,
    $form = $form->build();
    $numTotalRows = $table->countRows();
    $numDisplayRows = $table->countPageRows();
    $numPages = $table->getPages();
    $pagination = $table->getPagination();
    // ride\library\html\Pagination
    $html = $table->getHtml();
    // ... :-)

function orderNameAsc(array $values) {
    // order on name asc

function orderNameAsc(array $values) {
    // order on name desc

function orderNameDesc(array $values) {
    // custom ascending order with extra arguments

function orderCustomDesc(array $values, $name, $surname, $age) {
    // custom descending order with extra arguments

function onMove(array $ids) {
    // delete the selected ids

function onDelete(array $ids) {
    // delete the selected ids