PHP code example of richardgomer / quapi

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download richardgomer/quapi library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


richardgomer / quapi example snippets

ckAPI as API;

 * Some action that the API performs
class Action1 implements API\APIHandler, 
    public function handleCall($args)
        // Do something

        // Return a foo
        return new Foo();

 * Convert a foo object into a JSON-serializable array
class FooConverter implements API\APIResultHandler
    public function prepareResult($res)
        // Bars will be converted into arrays by the BarConverter later on :)
        return array('name' => $res->name, 'bars' => $res->getBars());

 * Convert a bar object into a JSON-serializable array
class BarConverter implements API\APIResultHandler
    public function prepareResult($res)
        return array('barID' => $res->BarID, 'colour' => $bar->getColour());

 * Create an API that looks for arguments in $_GET/$_POST and uses the "action" argument to specify which 
 * action handler to invoke
$api = new API\API(\array_merge($_GET, $_POST), 'action');

 * Add an action to be called if the action parameter is "action1" or if "param1" is set
$a1 = new Action1();
$api->addOperation(false, array('param1'), $fi);
$api->addOperation('action1', array('param1'), $fi);

 * Register converters to turn Foo objects and Bar objects in json-serializable arrays
$api->registerResultHandler('Foo', new FooConverter());
$api->registerResultHandler('Bar', new BarConverter());

// Handle the request

$api->addAuth(new AuthHandler()); // $authHandler must implement APIAuth


s API;
echo getAPIClient();