PHP code example of rias / craft-stripe-webhooks

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download rias/craft-stripe-webhooks library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


rias / craft-stripe-webhooks example snippets

return [
     * Stripe will sign each webhook using a secret. You can find the used secret at the
     * webhook configuration settings:
    'signingSecret' => '',

     * You can define the job that should be run when a certain webhook hits your application
     * here. The key is the name of the Stripe event type with the `.` replaced by a `_`.
     * You can find a list of Stripe webhook types here:
    'jobs' => [
        // 'source_chargeable' => \modules\sitemodule\jobs\StripeWebhooks\HandleChargeableSource::class,
        // 'charge_failed' => \modules\sitemodule\jobs\StripeWebhooks\HandleFailedCharge::class,

     * The classname of the model to be used. The class should equal or extend
     * rias\stripewebhooks\records\StripeWebhookCall.
    'model' => \rias\stripewebhooks\records\StripeWebhookCall::class,

     * The url of the Stripe endpoint you want to use in your application
    'endpoint' => 'stripe-webhooks',

  namespace modules\sitemodule\jobs\StripeWebhooks;
  use Craft;
  use craft\queue\BaseJob;
  class HandleChargeableSource extends BaseJob
      /** @var \rias\stripewebhooks\records\StripeWebhookCall */
      public $model;
      public function execute($queue)
          // do your work here
          // you can access the payload of the webhook call with `$this->model->payload`

// config/stripe-webhooks.php

'jobs' => [
    'source_chargeable' => \modules\sitemodule\jobs\StripeWebhooks\HandleChargeableSource::class,

public function init()
        function (\rias\stripewebhooks\events\WebhookEvent $event) {
            $webhookCall = $event->model;