PHP code example of rhinox / input-data

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download rhinox/input-data library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


rhinox / input-data example snippets

use Rhino\InputData\InputData;

$data = new InputData([
    'foo' => 'bar',

// or

try {
    $data = InputData::jsonDecode('{"foo":"bar"}');
} catch (\Rhino\InputData\ParseException $exception) {
    // Handle invalid JSON

echo $data->string('foo'); // outputs "bar"

$post = new InputData($_POST);
$get = new InputData($_GET);
$body = InputData::jsonDecode(file_get_contents('php://input'));

$response = (new \GuzzleHttp\Client())->get('');
$data = InputData::jsonDecode($response->getBody());

function readCsv(string $file) {
    $handle = fopen($file, 'r');
    for ($i = 0; $row = fgetcsv($handle); ++$i) {
        yield $i => new InputData($row);

foreach (readCsv('csv-data.csv') as $i => $row) {
    if ($i->int() === 0) continue;
    $name = $row->string(0);
    $number = $row->decimal(1);
    $date = $row->dateTime(2, 'UTC');

$data = new InputData([
    'foo' => 'bar',
    'seven' => '7.5',
    'july3' => '2021-07-03 11:45:30',
    'fruit' => ['apple', 'banana', 'pear'],

$data->string(string $key, ?string $default): ?string

$data->string('foo') // "bar"
$data->string('seven') // "7.5"
$data->string('baz') // ""
$data->string('baz', null) // null
$data->string('baz', 'qux') // "qux"
$data->string('fruit') // ""

$data->int(int $key, ?int $default): ?int

$data->int('foo') // int(0)
$data->int('seven') // int(7)
$data->int('baz') // int(0)
$data->int('baz', 12) // int(12)
$data->int('baz', null) // null
$data->int('fruit') // int(0)

$data->decimal(string $key, ?float $default): ?float

$data->decimal('foo') // float(0)
$data->decimal('seven') // float(7.5)
$data->decimal('baz') // float(0)
$data->decimal('baz', 12.5) // float(12.5)
$data->decimal('baz', null) // null
$data->decimal('fruit') // float(0)

$data->dateTime(?string $name, ?string $timezone = null, ?string $default = null): ?DateTimeImmutable

$data->dateTime('july3', 'Pacific/Auckland') // object(DateTimeImmutable) Pacific/Auckland
$data->dateTime('july3') // object(DateTimeImmutable) server timezone
$data->dateTime('baz') // null
$data->dateTime('baz', null, 'now') // object(DateTimeImmutable) current date/time

$data->arr(string $key, ?array $default): InputData

// Output each item of an array
foreach ($data->arr('fruit') as $fruit) {
    echo $fruit->string();
$data->arr('fruit')->getData() // ["apple", "banana", "pear"]
$data->arr('fruit')->count() // int(3)
$data->arr('fruit')->isEmpty() // false
$data->arr('fruit')->isArray() // true
$data->string('fruit.0') // "apple"

// Outputs nothing, treated as empty array
foreach ($data->arr('baz') as $baz) {
    echo $baz->string();
$data->arr('baz')->getData() // array(0)
$data->arr('baz')->count() // int(0)
$data->arr('baz')->isEmpty() // true
$data->arr('baz')->isArray() // false
$data->string('baz.0') // ""

$data->json(string $key, ?mixed $default): InputData

$data->raw(string $key, ?mixed $default): mixed

$data->getData(): mixed

$data->extend(array ...$newData): static

$data->filter(?callable $callback = null): static

$data->mapRecursive(callable $callback): static

$data->values(): static

$data->set(string $name, $value): static

$data->unset(string $name): static