1. Go to this page and download the library: Download rhilip/bencode library. Choose the download type require.
2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.
3. Add this code to the index.php.
/* Start to develop here. Best regards https://php-download.com/ */
rhilip / bencode example snippets
use Rhilip\Bencode\ParseException;
// Decodes a BEncoded string
// Encodes string/array/int to a BEncoded string
// Decodes a BEncoded file From path
// Encodes string/array/int to a BEncoded file
Bencode::dump($path, $data);
// With Error Catch
try {
} catch (ParseException $e) {
// do something
use Rhilip\Bencode\ParseException;
// 0. Defined Const
print(TorrentFile::PROTOCOL_V1); // v1
print(TorrentFile::PROTOCOL_V2); // v2
print(TorrentFile::PROTOCOL_HYBRID); // hybrid
print(TorrentFile::FILEMODE_SINGLE); // single
print(TorrentFile::FILEMODE_MULTI); // multi
// 1. Load Torrent and get instance
try {
$torrent = TorrentFile::load($path);
$torrent = TorrentFile::loadFromString($string);
} catch (ParseException $e) {
// do something
// 2. Save Torrent to path or string (for echo)
$dumpStatus = $torrent->dump($path);
// 3. Work with Root Fields
$torrent->getRootData(); // $root;
$rootField = $torrent->getRootField($field, ?$default); // $root[$field] ?? $default;
$torrent->setRootField($field, $value); // $root[$field] = $value;
$torrent->unsetRootField($field); // unset($root[$field]);
$torrent->cleanRootFields(?$allowedKeys); // remove fields which is not allowed in root
$announce = $torrent->getAnnounce();
$torrent->setAnnounceList([['https://example1.com/announce'], ['https://example2.com/announce', 'https://example3.com/announce']]);
$announceList = $torrent->getAnnounceList();
$torrent->setComment('Rhilip\'s Torrent');
$comment = $torrent->getComment();
$createdBy = $torrent->getCreatedBy();
$creationDate = $torrent->getCreationDate();
$httpSeeds = $torrent->getHttpSeeds();
$nodes = $torrent->getNodes();
$urlList = $torrent->getUrlList();
// 4. Work with Info Field
$torrent->getInfoData(); // $root['info'];
$infoField = $torrent->getInfoField($field, ?$default); // $info[$field] ?? $default;
$torrent->setInfoField($field, $value); // $info[$field] = $value;
$torrent->unsetInfoField($field); // unset($info[$field]);
$torrent->cleanInfoFields(?$allowedKeys); // remove fields which is not allowed in info
$protocol = $torrent->getProtocol(); // TorrentFile::PROTOCOL_{V1,V2,HYBRID}
$fileMode = $torrent->getFileMode(); // TorrentFile::FILEMODE_{SINGLE,MULTI}
* @note since we may edit $root['info'], so when call ->getInfoHash* method,
* we will calculate it each call without cache return-value.
$torrent->getInfoHashV1(?$binary); // If $binary is true return 20-bytes string, otherwise 40-character hexadecimal number
$torrent->getInfoHashV2(?$binary); // If $binary is true return 32-bytes string, otherwise 64-character hexadecimal number
$torrent->getInfoHash(?$binary); // return v2-infohash if there is one, otherwise return v1-infohash
$torrent->getInfoHashs(?$binary); // return [TorrentFile::PROTOCOL_V1 => v1-infohash, TorrentFile::PROTOCOL_V2 => v2-infohash]
$torrent->getInfoHashV1ForAnnounce(); // return the v1 info-hash in announce ( 20-bytes string )
$torrent->getInfoHashV2ForAnnounce(); // return the v2 (truncated) info-hash in announce
$torrent->getInfoHashsForAnnounce(); // same as getInfoHashs() but in announce
$torrent->getPieceLength(); // int
try {
} catch(\InvalidArgumentException $e) {
// Do something
$name = $torrent->getName();
$torrent->setSource('Rhilip\'s blog');
$source = $torrent->getSource();
$private = $torrent->isPrivate(); // true or false
$magnetLink = $torrent->getMagnetLink();
// 5. Work with torrent, it will try to parse torrent ( cost time )
$torrent->setParseValidator(function ($filename, $paths) {
* Before parse torrent ( call getSize, getFileCount, getFileList, getFileTree method ),
* you can set a validator to test if filename or paths is valid,
* And break parse process by any throw Exception.
print_r([$filename, $paths]);
if (str_contains($filename, 'F**k')) {
throw new ParseException('Not allowed filename in torrent');
* parse method will automatically called when use getSize, getFileCount, getFileList, getFileTree method,
* However you can also call parse method manually.
$torrent->parse(); // ['total_size' => $totalSize, 'count' => $count, 'files' => $fileList, 'fileTree' => $fileTree]
* Note: Since we prefer to parse `file tree` in info dict in v2 or hybrid torrent,
* The padding file may not count in size, fileCount, fileList and fileTree.
$size = $torrent->getSize();
$count = $torrent->getFileCount();
* Return a list like:
* [
* ["path" => "filename1", "size" => 123], // 123 is file size
* ["path" => "directory/filename2", "size" => 2345]
* ]
$fileList = $torrent->getFileList();
* Return a dict like:
* [
* "torrentname" => [
* "directory" => [
* "filename2" => 2345
* ],
* "filename1" => 123
* ]
* ]
* > Add in v2.4.0
* You can now pass argument to control the fileTree sort type. By default, this argument is TorrentFile::FILETREE_SORT_NORMAL.
* Control Const (see different in `tests/TorrentFileTreeSortTest.php` file):
* - TorrentFile::FILETREE_SORT_NORMAL : not sort, also means sort by torrent file parsed order
* - TorrentFile::FILETREE_SORT_STRING : sort by filename ASC ("natural ordering" and "case-insensitively")
* - TorrentFile::FILETREE_SORT_FOLDER : sort by filetype (first folder, then file)
* - TorrentFile::FILETREE_SORT_NATURAL: sort by both filetype and filename ( same as `TorrentFile::FILETREE_SORT_STRING | TorrentFile::FILETREE_SORT_FOLDER` )
$fileTree = $torrent->getFileTree(?$sortType = TorrentFile::FILETREE_SORT_NORMAL);
// 6. Other method
// Note 1: clean,set,unset method are chaining
// Note 2: parse method may fail when get a deep invalid torrent, so it can wrapper like this
try {
$torrent = TorrentFile::load($_POST['torrent']['tmp_name']);
$torrent/** ->setParseValidator(function () {}) */->parse();
} catch (ParseException $e) {
// do something to notice user.
print($torrent->getFileCount()); // safe to use other method without any ParseException
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