1. Go to this page and download the library: Download rgjoni/spotify-web-api-sdk library. Choose the download type require.
2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.
3. Add this code to the index.php.
/* Start to develop here. Best regards https://php-download.com/ */
rgjoni / spotify-web-api-sdk example snippets
use Gjoni\SpotifyWebApiSdk;
# The scopes your app would need.
$scopes = [
$redirectUri = "https://my.frontend.io/redirect";
$sdk = new SpotifyWebApiSdk\Sdk("clientId", "clientSecret", $scopes, $redirectUri);
use Gjoni\SpotifyWebApiSdk\Authorization;
$authorization = new Authorization\AuthorizationCode($sdk);
# Build the URL and have your frontend make a GET request to it.
$url = $authorization->buildUrl();
# After this, you should have an authorization code; use it in another request
# to seek access to user resources.
$accessToken = $authorization->requestAccessToken("auth_code");
# When the access token expires, just refresh it
$newAccessToken = $authorization->refreshAccessToken("refresh_token");
# That's it!
use Gjoni\SpotifyWebApiSdk\Authorization;
$authorization = new Authorization\AuthorizationCodePKCE($sdk);
# Generate a code verifier and a code challenge based on it
$verifier = $authorization->generateCodeVerifier();
$challenge = $authorization->generateCodeChallenge($verifier);
# Set the code challenge, it will be needed in the next step
# Have some way to persist the code verifier, it will be needed in the second request.
$cookie = new Cookie($this->cookieConfig);
if (empty($cookie->code_verifier)) {
$cookie->code_verifier = $verifier;
# Build the URL and have your frontend make a GET request to it.
$url = $authorization->buildUrl();
use Gjoni\SpotifyWebApiSdk\Authorization;
$cookie = new Cookie($this->cookieConfig);
$authorization = new Authorization\AuthorizationCodePKCE($this->sdk);
# Get the code verifier from your persistence method, in this case, a cookie
if (!empty($_COOKIE["code_verifier"])) {
# Get your authorization code
$authCode = "my-auth-code";
# Request access
$accessToken = $authorization->requestAccessToken($authCode);
# When needed, refresh access
$newAccessToken = $authorization->refreshAccessToken("refresh-token");
# That's it!
use Gjoni\SpotifyWebApiSdk\Authorization;
$authorization = new Authorization\ClientCredentials($sdk);
# Directly seek access
$accessToken = $authorization->requestAccessToken();
# That's it!
use Gjoni\SpotifyWebApiSdk\UsersProfile;
$usersProfile = new UsersProfile($sdk);
use Gjoni\SpotifyWebApiSdk\UsersProfile;
$usersProfile = new UsersProfile($sdk);
# For a user with the id of 'wizzler'
use Gjoni\SpotifyWebApiSdk\Artists;
$artists = new Artists($sdk);
# For an artist with the id of '0OdUWJ0sBjDrqHygGUXeCF'(Band of Horses)
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