PHP code example of rg / injektor

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download rg/injektor library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


rg / injektor example snippets

$configuration = new \rg\injektor\Configuration($pathToConfigFile, $pathToFactoryDirectory);
$dic = new \rg\injektor\DependencyInjectionContainer($configuration);

$instance = $dic->getInstanceOfClass('ClassName');
$result = $dic->callMethodOnObject($instance, 'methodName');

$configuration = new \rg\injektor\Configuration($pathToConfigFile, $pathToFactoryDirectory);
$dic = new \rg\injektor\FactoryDependencyInjectionContainer($configuration);

use Symfony\Component\Console\Input\InputInterface;
use Symfony\Component\Console\Output\OutputInterface;
use rg\injektor\WritingFactoryGenerator;

class GenerateDependencyInjectionFactories extends \Symfony\Component\Console\Command\Command
     * @var \rg\injektor\DependencyInjectionContainer
    private $dic;

     * @var \rg\injektor\WritingFactoryGenerator
    private $factoryGenerator;

     * @var string
    private $root;

    protected function configure()
        $this->setDescription('generates factories for dependency injection container');
        $this->setHelp('generates factories for dependency injection container');

     * @param InputInterface $input
     * @param OutputInterface $output
    protected function execute(InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output)
        $output->writeln('Generating Factories');

        $this->root = '/path/to/your/project';

        $factoryPath = $this->root . '/folder/for/generated/factories';

        if (!file_exists($factoryPath)) {
            mkdir($factoryPath, 0777, true);

        $pathToConfigFile = '/config/dic.php';

        $configuration = new \rg\injektor\Configuration($pathToConfigFile, $factoryPath);
        $this->dic = new \rg\injektor\FactoryDependencyInjectionContainer($configuration);

        $this->factoryGenerator = new WritingFactoryGenerator($this->dic->getConfig(), $factoryPath);



     * @param OutputInterface $output
    private function processAllDirectories(OutputInterface $output)
        $this->processDirectory($this->root . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'folderWithPhpClasses', $output);

     * @param $directory
     * @param OutputInterface $output
    private function processDirectory($directory, OutputInterface $output)
        $output->writeln('Directory: ' . $directory);
        $directoryIterator = new \RecursiveDirectoryIterator($directory);
        $iterator = new \RecursiveIteratorIterator($directoryIterator);
        $regexIterator = new \RegexIterator($iterator, '/^.+\.php$/i', \RecursiveRegexIterator::GET_MATCH);
        foreach ($regexIterator as $file) {
            $this->processFile($file[0], $output);

     * @param $fullpath
     * @param OutputInterface $output
    private function processFile($fullpath, OutputInterface $output)
        $output->writeln('Process file [' . $fullpath . ']');


class Foo
     * @inject
     * @param Bar $bar
    public function __construct(Bar $bar)


class Bar



class Foo
     * @inject
     * @param Bar $bar
    public function __construct(Bar $bar)


 * @singleton
class Bar
    private function __construct()


    public static function getInstance()



class Foo
     * @inject
     * @var Bar
    protected $bar;

class Bar



class Foo
     * @inject
     * @var Bar
    protected $bar;

 * @implementedBy BarImpl
interface Bar


class BarImpl implements Bar



'Bar' => array(
    'class' => 'BarImpl'

class Foo
     * @inject
     * @var Bar
    protected $bar;

 * @providedBy BarProvider
interface Bar


class BarImpl implements Bar


class BarProvider implements rg\injektor\Provider
    public function get()
        return new BarImpl();


'Bar' => array(
    'provider' => array(
        'class' => 'BarImpl'

class Foo
     * @inject
     * @var Bar
    protected $bar;

 * @providedBy BarProvider {'foo' : 'bar'}
interface Bar


class BarImpl implements Bar


class BarProvider implements rg\injektor\Provider

     * @inject
    public function __construct(SomeClass $someClass, $foo)

    public function get()
        return new BarImpl();


'Bar' => array(
    'provider' => array(
        'class' => 'BarImpl',
        'params' => array(
            'foo' => 'bar',

class Foo
     * @inject
     * @var Bar
    protected $bar;

 * @singleton
class Bar


$instanceOne = $dic->getInstanceOfClass('Foo');
$instanceTwo = $dic->getInstanceOfClass('Foo');

'Bar' => array(
    'singleton' => true

class Foo
     * @inject
     * @var Bar
    protected $bar;

 * @singleton
class Bar
    public function __construct($arg)

$instanceOne = $dic->getInstanceOfClass('Foo', array('arg' => 1));
$instanceTwo = $dic->getInstanceOfClass('Foo', array('arg' => 2));

class Foo
     * @inject
     * @var Bar
    protected $bar;

 * @service
class Bar


$instanceOne = $dic->getInstanceOfClass('Foo');
$instanceTwo = $dic->getInstanceOfClass('Foo');

'Bar' => array(
    'service' => true

class Foo
     * @inject
     * @var Bar
    protected $bar;

 * @service
class Bar
    public function __construct($arg)

$instanceOne = $dic->getInstanceOfClass('Foo', array('arg' => 1));
$instanceTwo = $dic->getInstanceOfClass('Foo', array('arg' => 2));

class Foo
     * @inject
    public function __construct($bar)


 * @singleton
class Bar
    private function __construct()


     * @inject
    public static function getInstance($foo, $buzz)



'Foo' => array(
    'params' => array(
        'bar' => array(
            'class' => 'Bar'
'Bar' = array(
    'params' => array(
        'foo' => array(
            'value' => 'fooBar'
        'buzz' => array(
            'value' => true

class Foo
     * @inject
     * @var Bar {"foo":456,"buzz":"content"}
    protected $propertyInjection;

     * @inject
     * @param Bar $bar {"foo":123,"buzz":"content"}
    public function __construct(Bar $bar)


 * @singleton
class Bar
    private function __construct()


     * @inject
    public static function getInstance($foo, $buzz)



class Foo
     * @inject
    public function __construct($val, Bar $bar, Buzz $buzz)


class Bar

class Buzz

$dic->getInstanceOfClass('Foo', array(
    'val' => 123,
    'buzz' => new Buzz()

class Foo
     * @var Bar
     * @named barOne
    protected $bar;

     * @inject
     * @param Bar $one
     * @param Bar $two
     * @param Bar $default
     * @named barOne $one
     * @named barTwo $two
    public function __construct(Bar $one, Bar $two, Bar $default)


interface Bar


class BarImplDefault implements Bar


class BarImplOne implements Bar


class BarImplTwo implements Bar



'Bar' => array(
    'class' => 'BarImplDefault'
    'named' => array(
        'barOne' => 'BarImplOne',
        'barTwo' => 'BarImplTwo'

 * @implementedBy BarImplDefault
 * @implementedBy barOne BarImplOne
 * @implementedBy barTwo BarImplTwo
interface Bar


class BarImplDefault implements Bar


class BarImplOne implements Bar


class BarImplTwo implements Bar


 * @implementedBy default BarImplDefault
 * @implementedBy barOne  BarImplOne
 * @implementedBy barTwo  BarImplTwo
interface Bar


class Foo
     * @var Bar
     * @named barOne
    protected $bar;

     * @inject
     * @param Bar $one
     * @param Bar $two
     * @param Bar $default
     * @named barOne $one
     * @named barTwo $two
    public function __construct(Bar $one, Bar $two, Bar $default)

interface Bar



'Bar' => array(
    'provider' => array(
        'class' => 'BarProvider'
    'namedProviders' => array(
        'barOne' => array(
            'class' => 'BarProvider',
            'parameters' => array('name' => 'barOne')
        'barTwo' => array(
            'class' => 'BarProvider',
            'parameters' => array('name' => 'barTwo')

 * @providedBy BarProvider
 * @providedBy barOne BarProvider {"name" : "barOne"}
 * @providedBy barTwo BarProvider {"name" : "barOne"}
interface Bar


class BarProvider implements rg\injektor\Provider
    private $name;

    public function __construct($name)
        $this->name = $name;

    public function get()
        switch ($this->name) {
            case 'barOne':
                return new BarImplOne();
            case 'barTwo':
                return new BarImplTwo();

        return new BarImplDefault();

class BarImplDefault implements Bar


class BarImplOne implements Bar


class BarImplTwo implements Bar


 * @providedBy default BarProvider
 * @providedBy barOne BarProvider {"name" : "barOne"}
 * @providedBy barTwo BarProvider {"name" : "barOne"}
interface Bar


class Foo
     * @inject
    public function doSomething(Bar $bar)

class Bar


$foo = new Foo();
$dic->callMethodOnObject($foo, 'doSomething');

class Foo
     * @inject
    public function doSomething(Bar $bar, $foo)

class Bar


$foo = new Foo();
$dic->callMethodOnObject($foo, 'doSomething', array('foo' => 'value'));