1. Go to this page and download the library: Download rezozero/subscribeme library. Choose the download type require.
2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.
3. Add this code to the index.php.
/* Start to develop here. Best regards https://php-download.com/ */
rezozero / subscribeme example snippets
use SubscribeMe\Factory;
* This library uses PSR18 and PSR17 so you need to provide a client that implements PSR18 like Guzzle for example
* @param ClientInterface $client
* @param RequestFactoryInterface $requestFactory
* @param StreamFactoryInterface $streamFactory
$factory = new Factory($client, $requestFactory, $streamFactory);
// ######## GUZZLE EXAMPLE ##########
$client = new \GuzzleHttp\Client();
$httpFactory = new GuzzleHttp\Psr7\HttpFactory();
$factory = new Factory($client, $httpFactory, $httpFactory);
// ##################################
// 'mailjet' | 'brevo' | 'mailchimp' | 'ymlp'
$subscriber = $factory->createFor('mailjet');
$userConsent = new \SubscribeMe\GDPR\UserConsent();
$userConsent->setConsentDate(new \DateTime());
$userConsent->setUsage('E-mail marketing campaigns');
$subscriber->subscribe('[email protected]', ['Name' => 'John Doe'], [$userConsent]);
* Method for sending transactional emails (YMLP does not support transactional emails).
* @param array<\SubscribeMe\ValueObject\EmailAddress> $emails (email
final class YourClass
public function __construct(
// Make it generic, let Symfony provide the right service for you
private SubscriberInterface $subscriber
) {
public function sendTransactional()
new EmailAddress('[email protected]')
$userConsent = new \SubscribeMe\GDPR\UserConsent();
// Find your Mailchimp marketing permission ID
// with a single API call on some existing contacts
$subscriber = $factory->createFor('mailchimp');
// Set you account datacenter
// Choose which status your new user will be given
// or
$subscriber = $factory->createFor('mailchimp');
// Mailchimp only alue object EmailAddress for recipients
$emails = [
new \SubscribeMe\ValueObject\EmailAddress('[email protected]', 'John Doe')
// Mailchimp only use string for his $templateEmailId
$emailTemplateId = 'template_name';
* MailChimp accepts an array of variables to inject into your transactional template.
$variables = [
'FNAME' => 'John',
'LNAME' => 'Doe'
$subscriber->sendTransactionalEmail($emails, $emailTemplateId, $variables);
$subscriber = $factory->createFor('ymlp');
// if true the email address will be added even if this person previously
// unsubscribed or if the email address previously was removed by bounce back handling
$subscriber = $factory->createFor('brevo');
// Brevo only entifiers are int. You can subscribe user to multiple lists with comma-separated list
$subscriber->subscribe('[email protected]', ["FNAME" => "Elly", "LNAME" => "Roger"], [$userConsent]);
$subscriber = $factory->createFor('brevo-doi');
// Brevo only fiers are int. You can subscribe user to multiple lists with comma-separated list
$subscriber->subscribe('[email protected]', ["FNAME" => "Elly", "LNAME" => "Roger"], [$userConsent]);
$subscriber = $factory->createFor('brevo');
// Brevo only of value object EmailAddress for recipients
$emails = [
new EmailAddress('[email protected]', 'Jimmy');
// Brevo only use int for his $templateEmailId
$templateEmail = 1;
* Brevo accepts an array of variables to inject into your transactional template.
$variables = [
'FNAME' => 'Joe',
'LNAME' => 'Doe'
$subscriber->sendTransactionalEmail($emails, $templateEmail, $variables);
$subscriber = $factory->createFor('brevo');
// Brevo only list Id in same time for remove contact from a list
$subscriber->unsubscribe('[email protected]');
$subscriber = $factory->createFor('mailjet');
// Mailjet setApiSecret('mailjet_api_secret')
// Mailjet list identifiers are int. You can subscribe user to multiple lists with comma-separated list
$subscriber->subscribe('[email protected]', ["FNAME" => "Elly", "LNAME" => "Roger"], [$userConsent]);
$subscriber = $factory->createFor('mailjet');
// Mailjet setApiSecret('mailjet_api_secret')
// use an array of value object EmailAddress for recipients
$emails[] = new EmailAddress('[email protected]', 'passenger 1');
// Mailjet only use int for his $templateEmailId
$templateEmail = 1;
* Mailjet accepts an array of variables to inject into your transactional template.
$variables = [
'day' => 'Tuesday',
'personalmessage' => 'Happy birthday!'
$subscriber->sendTransactionalEmail($emails, $templateEmail, $variables);
$subscriber = $factory->createFor('oximailing');
// OxiMailing ApiSecret('oximailing_api_secret')
// OxiMailing list identifiers are int. You can only subscribe user to one list
// OxiMailing Accept 3 modes
//Allows you to explain what to do with new duplicates :
//- ignore : remove duplicates
//- insert : don't do anything (all contacts are imported even duplicates)
//- update : update existing contacts information rather than adding duplicates
// Defaults to mode: ignore
$subscriber->subscribe('[email protected]');
// You can override subscription mode using options array
$subscriber->subscribe('[email protected]', ['mode' => 'update']);
$subscriber = $factory->createFor('oximailing');
// OxiMailing ApiSecret('oximailing_api_secret')
// You can only unsubscribe one user to one list
$subscriber->unsubscribe('[email protected]');
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