PHP code example of reyesoft / reactive-laravel-jobs

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download reyesoft/reactive-laravel-jobs library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


reyesoft / reactive-laravel-jobs example snippets

use Reyesoft\ReactiveLaravelJobs\Debounce\Debounceable;
use Reyesoft\ReactiveLaravelJobs\Debounce\ShouldDebounce;

final class DebouncedNotificationJob implements ShouldDebounce
    use Debounceable;
    use Dispatchable;
    use Queueable;

    public $param1 = '';

    public function __construct($param1)
        $this->param1 = $param1;

    public function uniqueId()
        return $this->param1;

    public function debouncedHandle(): void
        echo PHP_EOL . $this->param1;

DebouncedNotificationJob::dispatchDebounced('You have 1 item.')->delay(5);
DebouncedNotificationJob::dispatchDebounced('You have 2 items.')->delay(5);
DebouncedNotificationJob::dispatchDebounced('You have 3 items.')->delay(5);
DebouncedNotificationJob::dispatchDebounced('You have 4 items.')->delay(5);
DebouncedNotificationJob::dispatchDebounced('You have 5 items.')->delay(5);

// Do
You have 3 items.
You have 5 items.

use Illuminate\Contracts\Queue\ShouldQueue;
use Illuminate\Contracts\Queue\ShouldBeUnique;
class ThrottledNotificationJob implements ShouldQueue, ShouldBeUnique
    public $param1 = '';

    public function __construct($param1)
        $this->param1 = $param1;

     * The number of seconds after which the job's unique lock
     * will be released.
    public $uniqueFor = 3600;
    public function uniqueId()
        return $this->param1;

    public function handle(): void
        echo PHP_EOL . $this->param1;

ThrottledNotificationJob::dispatch('You have 1 item.')->delay(5);
ThrottledNotificationJob::dispatch('You have 2 items.')->delay(5);
ThrottledNotificationJob::dispatch('You have 3 items.')->delay(5);
ThrottledNotificationJob::dispatch('You have 4 items.')->delay(5);
ThrottledNotificationJob::dispatch('You have 5 items.')->delay(5);

// Do
You have 1 item.
You have 4 items.