PHP code example of rexlabs / enum

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download rexlabs/enum library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


rexlabs / enum example snippets

namespace Rexlabs\Enum\Readme;

use Rexlabs\Enum\Enum;

 * Class City
 * @package Rexlabs\Enum\Readme
 * @method static static BRISBANE()
 * @method static static MELBOURNE()
 * @method static static SYDNEY()
class City extends Enum
    const BRISBANE = 'Brisbane';
    const MELBOURNE = 'Melbourne';
    const SYDNEY = 'Sydney';
    // OPTIONAL - Provide a map() method if you would like to
    // map additional data, which will be available from the ->value() method
    public static function map(): array 
        return [
            self::BRISBANE => ["state"=>"QLD", "population"=>""],
            self::MELBOURNE => ["state"=>"VIC", "population"=>"5m"],
            self::SYDNEY => ["state"=>"NSW", "population"=>"5m"],

// Static access
echo City::BRISBANE;                 // "Brisbane"
echo City::MELBOURNE;                // "Melbourne"
City::names();                       // (array)["BRISBANE", "BRISBANE", "SYDNEY"]
City::keys();                        // (array)["Brisbane", "Melbourne", "Sydney"]
City::keyForName('BRISBANE');        // "Brisbane"
City::nameForKey('Melbourne');       // "MELBOURNE"
City::isValidKey('Sydney');          // (boolean)true
City::isValidKey('Paris');           // (boolean)false
// Getting an instance - all return a City instance.
$city = City::BRISBANE();                   
$city = City::instanceFromName('BRISBANE'); 
$city = City::instanceFromKey('Brisbane');

// Working with an instance
$city->name();                       // "BRISBANE"
$city->key();                        // "Brisbane"
$city->value()['population'];        // null - no value mapped
$city->is(City::BRISBANE);           // (boolean)true
$city->is(City::BRISBANE());         // (boolean)true
$city->is(City::SYDNEY());           // (boolean)false
$city->isNot(City::SYDNEY());        // (boolean)true
$city->isAnyOf([City::BRISBANE()]);  // (boolean)true
$city->isNoneOf([City::BRISBANE()]); // (boolean)false

// Or ...
City::SYDNEY()->key();               // "Sydney"
City::SYDNEY()->value();             // (array)["state"=>"NSW", "population"=>"5m"] 

function announceCity(City $city) {
    echo "{$city->key()} is located in {$city->value()["state"]}, population: {$city->value()["population"]}\n";

// Get a new instance
announceCity(City::SYDNEY());      // "Sydney is located in NSW, population: 5m"




$enum->is(City::SYDNEY);       // Compare to constant key
$enum->is(City::SYDNEY());     // Compare to instance

(string)City::SYDNEY();      // "SYDNEY"