PHP code example of retailcrm / auto-mapper-bundle

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download retailcrm/auto-mapper-bundle library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


retailcrm / auto-mapper-bundle example snippets


    // app/AppKernel.php
    public function registerBundles()
        return array(
            // ...
            new Retailcrm\AutoMapperBundle\AutoMapperBundle(),
            // ...

// get mapper
$mapper = $container->get('auto_mapper.mapper');
// create default map
$mapper->createMap('My\SourcePost', 'My\DestinationPost');

// create objects
$source = new SourcePost();
$source->description = 'Symfony2 developer';
$destination = new DestinationPost();

// map
$mapper->map($source, $destination);

echo $destination->description; // outputs 'Symfony2 developer'

// get mapper
$mapper = $container->get('auto_mapper.mapper');
// create default map and route members
$mapper->createMap('My\SourcePost', 'My\DestinationPost')
       ->route('title', 'name');

// create objects
$source = new SourcePost();
$source->name = 'AutoMapper Bundle';
$destination = new DestinationPost();

// map
$mapper->map($source, $destination);

echo $destination->title; // outputs 'AutoMapper Bundle'

use Retailcrm\AutoMapperBundle\Mapper\FieldAccessor\Closure;

// get mapper
$mapper = $container->get('auto_mapper.mapper');
// create default map and override members
$mapper->createMap('My\SourcePost', 'My\DestinationPost')
       ->forMember('title', new Closure(function(SourcePost $source){
           return \strtoupper($source->name);

// create objects
$source = new SourcePost();
$source->name = 'AutoMapper Bundle';
$destination = new DestinationPost();

// map
$mapper->map($source, $destination);

echo $destination->title; // outputs 'AUTOMAPPER BUNDLE'

// get mapper
$mapper = $container->get('auto_mapper.mapper');
// create default map and override members
$mapper->createMap('My\SourcePost', 'My\DestinationPost')
       ->route('author', '');

// create objects
$source = new SourcePost();
$source->author = new SourceAuthor();
$source->author->name = 'Michel';
$destination = new DestinationPost();
$mapper = new Mapper();

// map
$mapper->map($source, $destination);

echo $destination->author; // outputs 'Michel'

// get mapper
$mapper = $container->get('auto_mapper.mapper');
// create default map and override members
$mapper->createMap('My\SourcePost', 'My\DestinationPost')
       ->forMember('author', new Expression('author.getFullName()'));

// create objects
$source = new SourcePost();
$source->author = new SourceAuthor();
$source->author->name = 'Michel';
$destination = new DestinationPost();
$mapper = new Mapper();

// map
$mapper->map($source, $destination);

echo destination->author; // outputs 'Michel'

use Retailcrm\AutoMapperBundle\Mapper\FieldAccessor\Constant;

// get mapper
$mapper = $container->get('auto_mapper.mapper');
// create default map and override members
$mapper->createMap('My\SourcePost', 'My\DestinationPost')
       ->forMember('title', new Constant('Constant title'));

// create objects
$source = new SourcePost();
$source->name = 'AutoMapper Bundle';
$destination = new DestinationPost();

// map
$mapper->map($source, $destination);

echo $destination->title; // outputs 'Constant title'

use Retailcrm\AutoMapperBundle\Mapper\FieldAccessor\Constant;

// get mapper
$mapper = $container->get('auto_mapper.mapper');
// create default map
$mapper->createMap('My\SourcePost', 'My\DestinationPost');
// Set property deep mapping
$mapper->filter('author', new ObjectMappingFilter('My\DestinationAuthor'));

// create objects
$source = new SourcePost();
$source->author = new SourceAuthor();
$destination = new DestinationPost();

// map
$mapper->map($source, $destination);

echo get_class(destination->author); // outputs 'My\DestinationAuthor'

use Retailcrm\AutoMapperBundle\Mapper\FieldAccessor\Constant;

// get mapper
$mapper = $container->get('auto_mapper.mapper');
// create default map
$mapper->createMap('My\SourcePost', 'My\DestinationPost');
// Set property deep mapping
$mapper->filter('comments', new ArrayObjectMappingFilter('My\DestinationComment'));

// create objects
$source = new SourcePost();
$source->comments = array(
    new SourceComment(),
    new SourceComment(),
$destination = new DestinationPost();

// map
$mapper->map($source, $destination);

echo get_class(destination->comments[0]); // outputs 'My\DestinationComment'

use Retailcrm\AutoMapperBundle\Mapper\FieldAccessor\IfNull;

// get mapper
$mapper = $container->get('auto_mapper.mapper');
// create default map and override members
$mapper->createMap('My\SourcePost', 'My\DestinationPost')
       ->filter('title', new IfNull('Default title'));

// create objects
$source = new SourcePost();
$source->name = 'AutoMapper Bundle';
$destination = new DestinationPost();

// map
$mapper->map($source, $destination);

echo $destination->title; // outputs 'Default title'

namespace My;

use Retailcrm\AutoMapperBundle\Mapper\AbstractMap;

class PostMap extends AbstractMap {

    function __construct() {
        $this->buildDefaultMap(); // generate the default map
        $this->route('title', 'name'); // override the title member

    public function getDestinationType() {
        return 'My\DestinationPost';

    public function getSourceType() {
        return 'My\SourcePost';


// get mapper
$mapper = $container->get('auto_mapper.mapper');

// create objects
$source = new SourcePost();
$source->name = 'AutoMapper Bundle';
$destination = new DestinationPost();

// map
$mapper->map($source, $destination);

echo $destination->title; // outputs 'AutoMapper Bundle'

// get mapper
$mapper = $container->get('auto_mapper.mapper');
// create default map
$mapper->createMap('My\SourcePost', 'My\DestinationPost')

// create objects
$source = new SourcePost();
$source->description = 'Symfony2 developer';
$destination = new DestinationPost();

// map
$mapper->map($source, $destination);

var_dump($destination->description); // ignored, will be null

// get mapper
$mapper = $container->get('auto_mapper.mapper');
// create default map
$mapper->createMap('My\SourcePost', 'My\DestinationPost')

// create objects
$source = new SourcePost();
$source->description = 'Symfony2 developer';
$destination = new DestinationPost();
$destination->description = 'Foo bar';

// map
$mapper->map($source, $destination);

var_dump($destination->description); // will be 'Foo bar'

// get mapper
$mapper = $container->get('auto_mapper.mapper');
// create default map
$mapper->createMap('My\SourcePost', 'My\DestinationPost')

// create objects
$source = new SourcePost();
$source->description = null;
$destination = new DestinationPost();
$destination->description = 'Foo bar';

// map
$mapper->map($source, $destination);

var_dump($destination->description); // will be 'Foo bar'