PHP code example of rennokki / larafy

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download rennokki/larafy library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


rennokki / larafy example snippets


'spotify' => [
    'client_id' => env('SPOTIFY_KEY'),
    'client_secret' => env('SPOTIFY_SECRET'),
    'redirect' => env('SPOTIFY_REDIRECT_URI')

$api = new Larafy();

use Rennokki\Larafy\Larafy;

$api = new Larafy('your_app_id_here', 'your_app_secret_here');

try {
    $api->searchArtists('Lana del Rey');
} catch(\Rennokki\Larafy\Exceptions\SpotifyAuthorizationException $e) {
    // invalid ID & Secret provided
    $e->getAPIResponse(); // Get the JSON API response.

try {
    $api->searchArtists('Lana del Rey', -30, -40);
} catch(\Rennokki\Larafy\Exceptions\SpotifyAPIException $e) {
    // invalid data sent
    $e->getAPIResponse(); // Get the JSON API response.



$limit = 15;
$offset = 5;

$api->searchAlbums('Master of Puppets', $limit, $offset); // limit 15 with 5 offset.

$api->getAlbums(['album_id_1', 'album_id_2', ...]);

$masterOfPuppets = $api->searchAlbums('Master of Puppets');
$masterOfPuppets->items; // this is the array with all results

$api->getArtistAlbums('artist_id', $limit, $offset, ['single', 'appears_on']);
$api->getArtistAlbums('artist_id', $limit, $offset, ['single']);
$api->getArtistAlbums('artist_id', $limit, $offset, 'single');
$api->getArtistAlbums('artist_id', $limit, $offset, 'single,appears_on');

$seed = (new LarafySeed)
    ->setGenres(['death-metal', 'hard-rock', 'black-metal'])
    ->setSpeechiness(60.0, 90.0)
    ->setLoudness(80.0, 100.0)
    ->setLiveness(80.0, 100.0);

$tracks = $api->getRecommendations($seed, $limit);
foreach ($tracks->items as $track) {

$seed->addArtists(['artist_id_1', 'artist_id_2', ...']);
$seed->setArtists(['artist_id_1', 'artist_id_2', ...']); // overwrites
$seed->setArtists('artist_id_1,artist_id_2,...'); // overwrites

$seed->addTracks(['track_id_1', 'track_id_2', ...']);
$seed->setTracks(['track_id_1', 'track_id_2', ...']); // overwrites
$seed->setTracks('track_id_1,track_id_2,...'); // overwrites

$seed->addGenres(['genre1', 'genre2', ...']);
$seed->setGenres(['genre1', 'genre2', ...']); // overwrites
$seed->setGenres('genre1,genre2,...'); // overwrites

$seed->setAcousticness($min, $max); // float
$seed->setTargetAcousticness($target); // float

$seed->setDanceability($min, $max); // float
$seed->setTargetDanceability($target); // float

$seed->setEnergy($min, $max); // float
$seed->setTargetEnergy($target); // float

$seed->setInstrumentalness($min, $max); // float
$seed->setTargetInstrumentalness($target); // float

$seed->setKeys($min, $max); // int
$seed->setTargetKey($target); // int

$seed->setLiveness($min, $max); // float
$seed->setTargetLiveness($target); // float

$seed->setLoudness($min, $max); // float
$seed->setTargetLoudness($target); // float

$seed->setMode($min, $max); // int
$seed->setTargetMode($target); // int

$seed->setPopularity($min, $max); // float
$seed->setTargetPopularity($target); // float

$seed->setSpeechiness($min, $max); // float
$seed->setTargetSpeechiness($target); // float

$seed->setTempo($min, $max); // int
$seed->setTargetTempo($target); // int

$seed->setTimeSignature($min, $max); // int
$seed->setTargetTimeSignature($target); // int

$seed->setValence($min, $max); // float
$seed->setTargetValence($target); // float

$seed->setDuration($min, $max); // int, in seconds
$seed->setTargetDuration($target); // int, in seconds

// Search for albums.
$api->searchAlbums('Master of Puppets', $limit, $offset);

// Get an album using ID.

// Get more albums at once based on IDs.
$api->getAlbums(['id1', 'id2', ...]);

// Get album's tracks.
$api->getAlbumTracks('album_id', $limit, $offset);

// Search for tracks.
$api->searchTracks('Fade to Black', $limit, $offset);

// Get a track using ID.

// Get more tracks at once based on IDs.
$api->getTracks(['id1', 'id2', ...]);

// Search for artists.
$api->searchArtists('Metallica', $limit, $offset);

// Get an artist using ID.

// Get more artists at once based on IDs.
$api->getArtists(['id1', 'id2', ...]);

// Get artist's albums.
$api->getArtistAlbums('artist_id', $limit, $offset, ['single', 'appears_on']);

// Get artist's top tracks.

// Get artist's related artists.

// Search for playlists.
$api->searchPlaylists('This Is Metallica', $limit, $offset);

// Get a playlist using ID.

// Get playlist's albums.
$api->getPlaylistTracks('playlist_id', $limit, $offset);

// Get featured playlists from a specific time.
$api->getFeaturedPlaylists(Carbon::now(), $limit, $offset);
$api->getFeaturedPlaylists('2018-05-19 00:00:00', $limit, $offset);

// Get genre seeds.

// Get all the Browse categories.
$api->getBrowseCategories($limit, $offset);

// Get details about one of the Browse's category.

// Get playlists from a Browse category.
$api->getCategoryPlaylists('mood', $limit, $offset);

// Get new albums releases.
$api->getNewReleases($limit, $offset);