PHP code example of remls / hijri-date

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download remls/hijri-date library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


remls / hijri-date example snippets

use Carbon\Carbon;

new HijriDate();                    // 1st Muharram 1000
new HijriDate(1443, 9, 1);          // 1st Ramadan 1443
HijriDate::parse('1443-09-01');     // 1st Ramadan 1443

// From Gregorian
HijriDate::createFromGregorian();              // Today's date
today_hijri()                                  // Today's date
HijriDate::createFromGregorian('1991-12-01');  // 20th Jumada al-Ula 1412
$input = Carbon::parse('2002-03-04');
HijriDate::createFromGregorian($input);        // 12th Dhul-Hijja 1422

$date = new HijriDate(1443, 9, 1);   // 1st Ramadan 1443
$date->addDays(1);                   // 2nd Ramadan 1443
$date->subDays(3);                   // 28th Sha'ban 1443
$date2 = new HijriDate(1443, 8, 20); // 20th Sha'ban 1443
$date->diffInDays($date2);           // 8

$date = new HijriDate(1443, 9, 1);  // 1st Ramadan 1443
$date->format("F");                 // "ރަމަޟާން" (using default locale 'dv')

$date->format("F Y");               // "رمضان 1443"
// Use numerals from locale
$date->format("F Y", true);         // "رمضان ١٤٤٣"

// App/Models/YourModel.php

class YourModel

    protected $casts = [
        'your_hijri_date_field' => HijriDate::class,

use Remls\HijriDate\Rules\ValidHijriDate;

    'your_hijri_date_field' => ['
php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Remls\HijriDate\HijriDateServiceProvider" --tag="config"
php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Remls\HijriDate\HijriDateServiceProvider" --tag="lang"