PHP code example of reliefweb / api-php-client

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download reliefweb/api-php-client library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


reliefweb / api-php-client example snippets

// Include autoloader.
client = new \RWAPIClient\Client();

// Set the name of the application or website using the API.

// Create a query to a resource.
$query = new \RWAPIClient\Query('reports', $client);

// Set the number of document to return.

// Set the fields to r->condition('date', array('from' => '2013-10-01T00:00:00+00:00'));

// Create a nested filter.
$nested_filter = new \RWAPIClient\Filter('OR');
$nested_filter->condition('theme', array('agriculture', 'health'), 'AND');
$nested_filter->condition('source', array('ocha', 'unhcr'), 'OR');

// Add the fitler to the query.

// Create a facet on countries ordered by name.
$facet = new \RWAPIClient\Facet('country', 'country', 250);
$facet->sort('value', 'asc');

// Add the country facet to the query.

// Create a facet on sources ordered by count (10 most).
$facet = new \RWAPIClient\Facet('organization', 'source', 10);

// Add the souce facet to the query.

// Run the query.
$results = $query->execute();

// Display the title of the returned resource items.
$items = $results->items();
foreach ($items as $item) {
  echo $item['fields']['title'] . "\n";

// Display the source facet items.
$organizations = $results->facet('organization');
foreach ($organizations['data'] as $organization) {
  echo $organization['value'] . ' - ' . $organization['count'] . "\n";

// Include autoloader.
client = new \RWAPIClient\Client();

// Set the name of the application or website using the API.

// Create a query to a resource.
$query = new \RWAPIClient\Query('reports', $client);

// Get the resource item (with minimal profile).
$item = $query->id(548925)->profile('minimal')->execute()->item();

// Display the item title.
echo $item['fields']['title'] . "\n";
