1. Go to this page and download the library: Download regulus/tetra-text library. Choose the download type require.
2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.
3. Add this code to the index.php.
/* Start to develop here. Best regards https://php-download.com/ */
regulus / tetra-text example snippets
// note: numeric() is an alias for Format::numeric()
// format a string as numeric
echo numeric($value);
// disallow decimals
echo numeric($value, false);
// allow negative numbers
echo numeric($value, true, true);
// note: money() is an alias for Format::money()
// format a string as money
echo money(343);
// use euro symbol instead of dollar symbol
echo money(343, '€');
// disallow negative values (will output "$0.00")
echo money(-343, '$', false);
// remove thousands separator
echo money(343, '$', true, '');
// note: percent() is an alias for Format::percent()
// will output "25%"
echo percent(25, 100);
// will output "0%"
echo percent(25, 0);
// use zero decimal places (default is 1)
echo percent(25, 100, 0);
// return as a number rather than a string with the "%" symbol concatenated to the end
echo percent(25, 100, 0, true);
// note: phone() is an alias for Format::phone()
// will output "(403) 343-1123"
echo phone(14033431123);
// will output "1 (403) 343-1123"
echo phone(14033431123, ['digits' => 11]);
// will output "(403) 343.1123"
echo phone('1-403-343-1123', ['separator' => '.']);
// will output "403.343.1123"
echo phone('1-403-343-1123', ['separator' => '.', 'areaCodeBrackets' => false]);
// will output "(403) 343-1123 x343"
echo phone('1-403-343-1123 Ext. 343');
// will output "(403) 343-1123 Ext. 343"
echo phone('1-403-343-1123 x343', ['extensionSeparator' => ' Ext. ']);
// will output "(403) 343-1123"
echo phone('1-403-343-1123 Ext. 343', ['stripExtension' => true]);
// note: postal_code() is an alias for Format::postalCode()
// will output "S0N 0H0"
echo postal_code('s0n0h0');
// will output "S0N0H0"
echo postal_code('s0n0h0', false);
// note: bool_to_str() is an alias for Format::boolToStr()
// will output "Yes"
echo bool_to_str(true);
// will output "No"
echo bool_to_str(false);
// will output "Off"
echo bool_to_str(false, 'On/Off');
// will output "Up"
echo bool_to_str(true, ['Up', 'Down']);
// will output '1<sup class="number-suffix">st</sup>'
echo Format::numberSuffix(1);
// will output "2nd"
echo Format::numberSuffix(2, false);
// will output "3<span>rd</span>"
echo Format::numberSuffix(3, 'span', false);
// will output "item"
echo Format::pluralize('item', 1);
// will output "items"
echo Format::pluralize('item', 2);
// will output "fungi"
echo Format::pluralize('fungus', 2, 'fungi');
// will output "a frog"
echo Format::a('frog');
// will output "an octopus"
echo Format::a('octopus');
// will output "an HTML" (method checks to see if item is all uppercase to denote acronym and then uses letter sound instead)
echo Format::a('HTML');
// will output "Penn & Teller"
echo entities('Penn & Teller');
// will output "turn-this-title-into-a-slug"
echo Format::slug('Turn This Title Into a Slug!');
// may output "turn-this-title-into-a-slug-2" if "blog_posts" table already has a row with slug
echo Format::uniqueSlug('Turn This Title Into a Slug!', 'blog_posts');
// set an ID to ignore/prevent slug conflicts for (ID of table row being edited)
echo Format::uniqueSlug('Turn This Title Into a Slug!', 'blog_posts', ['ignoreId' => 343]);
// set a character limit for the slug
echo Format::uniqueSlug('Turn This Title Into a Slug!', 'blog_posts', ['charLimit' => 64]);
// use a different field than "slug" in DB table
echo Format::uniqueSlug('Turn This Title Into a Slug!', 'blog_posts', ['field' => 'uri_tag']);
// ignore soft deleted records
echo Format::uniqueSlug('Turn This Title Into a Slug!', 'blog_posts', ['softDelete' => true]);
// add additional matching values
echo Format::uniqueSlug('Turn This Title Into a Slug!', 'blog_posts', ['matchingValues' => ['type' => 'Microblog']]);
echo Format::uniqueSlug('Turn This Title Into a Slug!', 'blog_posts', ['matchingValues' => ['type' => '>= 3']]);
// will output "2013-09-22" (using "Sunday" as the first day)
echo Format::firstDayOfWeek('2013-09-27');
// will output "2013-09-23"
echo Format::firstDayOfWeek('2013-09-27', 'Monday');
// will output "2013-09-28" (using "Sunday" as the first day)
echo Format::lastDayOfWeek('2013-09-27');
// will output "2013-09-29"
echo Format::lastDayOfWeek('2013-09-27', 'Monday');
// will output "September 1"
echo Format::firstDayOfMonth('2013-09-27', 'F j');
// will output "2013-09-30"
echo Format::lastDayOfMonth('2013-09-27');
// will output "<p>This is the first paragraph.</p><p>This is the second paragraph.</p>"
echo Format::paragraphs("This is the first paragraph.\nThis is the second paragraph.");
$string = 'I define <strong>anarchist society</strong> as one where there is no legal possibility for coercive aggression against the person or property of any individual. Anarchists oppose the State because it has its very being in such aggression, namely, the expropriation of private property through taxation, the coercive exclusion of other providers of defense service from its territory, and all of the other depredations and coercions that are built upon these twin foci of invasions of individual rights. <div class="author">-Murray Rothbard</div>';
// will output 'I define <strong>anarchist society</strong> as one where there is no legal possibility for coercive aggression<span class="exceeded-limit">...</span>'
echo char_limit($string, 93);
// will output 'I define <strong>anarchist society</strong> as one where there is no legal possibility for coercive aggression'
echo char_limit($string, 93, ['exceededText' => false]);
// will output 'I define <strong>anarchist society</strong> as one where there is no legal possibility for coercive aggression<a href="https://en.wikiquote.org/wiki/Murray_Rothbard" class="read-more">Read more...</a>'
echo word_limit($string, 14, ['exceededText' => 'Read more...', 'exceededLinkUrl' => 'https://en.wikiquote.org/wiki/Murray_Rothbard']);
// note: char_limit() and word_limit() are aliases for Format::charLimit(), Format::wordLimit()
// get a translation and make it lowercase (if it does not appear to be an acronym)
echo trans_l($value);
// get a translation choice and make it lowercase (if it does not appear to be an acronym)
echo trans_choice_l($value, 1); // will output "item" from translation variable of "Item|Items"
// get a translation and prepend with "a" or "an" if language is English or exceeds 2 letter language code
echo trans_a($value); // will output "an umbrella" from translation variable of "umbrella"
// get a translation and prepend with "a" or "an" if language is English or exceeds 2 letter language code
echo trans_choice_a($value, 1); // will output "an umbrella" from translation variable of "umbrella|umbrellas"
echo trans_choice_a($value, 2); // will output "2 umbrellas" from translation variable of "umbrella|umbrellas"
// note: trans_l(), trans_choice_l(), trans_a(), and trans_choice_a() are aliases
// for Format::transL(), Format::transChoiceL(), Format::transA(), and Format::transChoiceA()
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