1. Go to this page and download the library: Download recurly/recurly-client library. Choose the download type require.
2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.
3. Add this code to the index.php.
/* Start to develop here. Best regards https://php-download.com/ */
recurly / recurly-client example snippets
// You should store your API key somewhere safe
// and not in plain text if possible
$api_key = 'myApiKey';
$client = new \Recurly\Client($api_key);
// You should store your API key somewhere safe
// and not in plain text if possible
$api_key = 'myApiKey';
$client = new \Recurly\Client($api_key, ['region' => 'eu']);
// Create an instance of the Recurly\Logger
$logger = new \Recurly\Logger('Recurly', \Psr\Log\LogLevel::INFO);
$client = new \Recurly\Client($api_key, $logger);
$options = array('params' = array(
// the following params are common amongst pageable endpoints
'limit' => 200, // 200 resources per page (http call)
'order' => 'asc', // asc or desc order
'begin_time' => '2020-01-01T01:00:00Z', // don't accounts with a subscription in the active, canceled, or future state
'past_due' => false // no accounts with an invoice in the past_due state
$accounts = $client->listAccounts($options);
foreach($accounts as $account) {
echo 'Account code: ' . $account->getCode() . PHP_EOL;
$accounts = $client->listAccounts([ 'past_due' => true ]);
// make the HTTP call to get the total count
$count = $accounts->getCount();
echo "Number of accounts past due: $count"
$accounts = $client->listAccounts([ 'order' => 'desc', 'past_due' => true ]);
// fetch only the first account with past due invoice
$account = $accounts->getFirst();
$accounts = $client->listAccounts([ 'order' => 'asc', 'past_due' => true ]);
// fetch only the last account with past due invoice
$account = $accounts->getFirst();
try {
$account = $client->deactivateAccount($account_id);
} catch (\Recurly\Errors\Validation $e) {
// If the request was not valid, you may want to tell your user
// why. You can find the invalid params and reasons in err.params
// TODO show how to get params
} catch (\Recurly\Errors\NotFound $e) {
// You'll receive a NotFound error if one of the identifiers in your request
// was incorrect. In this case, it's possible the $account_id is incorrect or
// the associated account does not exist
} catch (\Recurly\RecurlyError $e) {
// All errors inherit from this base class, so this should catch
// any error that this library throws. If we don't know what to
// do with the err, we should probably re-raise and let
// our web framework and logger handle it