PHP code example of recombee / php-api-client

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download recombee/php-api-client library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


recombee / php-api-client example snippets

use Recombee\RecommApi\Client;
use Recombee\RecommApi\Requests as Reqs;
use Recombee\RecommApi\Exceptions as Ex;

$client = new Client('--my-database-id--', '--db-private-token--', ['region' => 'us-west']);

const NUM = 100;

    // Generate some random purchases of items by users
    $purchase_requests = array();
    for($i=0; $i < NUM; $i++) {
        for($j=0; $j < NUM; $j++) {
            if(mt_rand() / mt_getrandmax() < PROBABILITY_PURCHASED) {

                $request = new Reqs\AddPurchase("user-{$i}", "item-{$j}",
                    ['cascadeCreate' => true] // Use cascadeCreate to create the
                                              // yet non-existing users and items
                array_push($purchase_requests, $request);
    echo "Send purchases\n";
    $res = $client->send(new Reqs\Batch($purchase_requests)); //Use Batch for faster processing of larger data

    // Get 5 recommendations for user 'user-25'
    $response = $client->send(new Reqs\RecommendItemsToUser('user-25', 5));
    echo 'Recommended items: ' . json_encode($response, JSON_PRETTY_PRINT) . "\n";

    // User scrolled down - get next 3 recommended items
    $response = $client->send(new Reqs\RecommendNextItems($response['recommId'], 3));
    echo 'Next recommended items: ' . json_encode($response, JSON_PRETTY_PRINT) . "\n";
catch(Ex\ApiException $e)
    //use fallback

use Recombee\RecommApi\Client;
use Recombee\RecommApi\Requests as Reqs;
use Recombee\RecommApi\Exceptions as Ex;

const NUM = 100;

$client = new Client('--my-database-id--', '--db-private-token--', ['region' => 'ap-se']);
$client->send(new Reqs\ResetDatabase()); // Clear everything from the database

We will use computers as items in this example
Computers have five properties 
  - price (floating point number)
  - number of processor cores (integer number)
  - description (string)
  - date from which it is in stock (timestamp)
  - image (url of computer's photo)

// Add properties of items
$client->send(new Reqs\AddItemProperty('price', 'double'));
$client->send(new Reqs\AddItemProperty('num-cores', 'int'));
$client->send(new Reqs\AddItemProperty('description', 'string'));
$client->send(new Reqs\AddItemProperty('in_stock_from', 'timestamp'));
$client->send(new Reqs\AddItemProperty('image', 'image'));

# Prepare requests for setting a catalog of computers
$requests = array();
for($i=0; $i<NUM; $i++)
    $itemId = "computer-{$i}";
    $r = new Reqs\SetItemValues(
        'price' => rand(15000, 25000),
        'num-cores' => rand(1, 8),
        'description' => 'Great computer',
        'in_stock_from' => new DateTime('NOW'),
        'image' => "{$itemId}.jpg"
      //optional parameters:
      ['cascadeCreate' => true] // Use cascadeCreate for creating item
                                 // with given itemId, if it doesn't exist]
    array_push($requests, $r);

// Send catalog to the recommender system
$result =  $client->send(new Reqs\Batch($requests));

// Generate some random purchases of items by users
$requests = array();

for($i=0; $i<NUM; $i++)
    for($j=0; $j<NUM; $j++)
        if(mt_rand() / mt_getrandmax() < PROBABILITY_PURCHASED)
           $r = new Reqs\AddPurchase("user-{$i}", "computer-{$j}", ['cascadeCreate' => true]);
           array_push($requests, $r);

// Send purchases to the recommender system
$client->send(new Reqs\Batch($requests));

// Get 5 items related to item computer-6. Personalize them for user-42, who is currently viewing that item.
// Recommend only computers that have at least 3 cores
$recommended = $client->send(
  new Reqs\RecommendItemsToItem('computer-6', 'user-42', 5, ['filter' => "'num-cores'>=3"])
echo 'Recommended items with at least 3 processor cores: ' . json_encode($recommended, JSON_PRETTY_PRINT) . "\n";

// Recommend only items that are more expensive then currently viewed item computer-6 (up-sell)
$recommended = $client->send(
  new Reqs\RecommendItemsToItem('computer-6', 'user-42', 5,
    ['filter' => "'price' > context_item[\"price\"]"])
echo 'Recommended up-sell items: ' . json_encode($recommended, JSON_PRETTY_PRINT) . "\n";

// Filters, boosters and other settings can be set also in the Admin UI (
// when scenario is specified
$recommended = $client->send(
  new Reqs\RecommendItemsToItem('computer-6', 'user-42', 5, ['scenario' => 'product_detail'])

// Perform personalized full-text search with a user's search query (e.g. 'computers')
$matches = $client->send(
  new Reqs\SearchItems('user-42', 'computers', 5, ['scenario' => 'search_top'])
echo 'Matched items: ' . json_encode($matches, JSON_PRETTY_PRINT) . "\n";

use Recombee\RecommApi\Client;
use Recombee\RecommApi\Requests as Reqs;
use Recombee\RecommApi\Exceptions as Ex;

    $recommended = $client->send(
      new Reqs\RecommendItemsToItem('computer-6', 'user-42', 5,
        ['filter' => "'price' > context_item[\"price\"]"])
catch(Ex\ApiTimeoutException $e)
    //Handle timeout => use fallback
catch(Ex\ResponseException $e)
    //Handle errorneous request => use fallback
catch(Ex\ApiException $e)
    //ApiException is parent of both ResponseException and ApiTimeoutException
