PHP code example of react / event-loop

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download react/event-loop library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


react / event-loop example snippets

use React\EventLoop\Loop;

stream_set_blocking($server, false);

Loop::addReadStream($server, function ($server) {
    $conn = stream_socket_accept($server);
    $data = "HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\nContent-Length: 3\r\n\r\nHi\n";
    Loop::addWriteStream($conn, function ($conn) use (&$data) {
        $written = fwrite($conn, $data);
        if ($written === strlen($data)) {
        } else {
            $data = substr($data, $written);

Loop::addPeriodicTimer(5, function () {
    $memory = memory_get_usage() / 1024;
    $formatted = number_format($memory, 3).'K';
    echo "Current memory usage: {$formatted}\n";

use React\EventLoop\Loop;

$timer = Loop::addPeriodicTimer(0.1, function () {
    echo 'Tick' . PHP_EOL;

Loop::addTimer(1.0, function () use ($timer) {
    echo 'Done' . PHP_EOL;

$loop = React\EventLoop\Loop::get();

$timer = $loop->addPeriodicTimer(0.1, function () {
    echo 'Tick' . PHP_EOL;

$loop->addTimer(1.0, function () use ($loop, $timer) {
    echo 'Done' . PHP_EOL;


use React\EventLoop\Loop;

$timer = Loop::addPeriodicTimer(0.1, function () {
    echo 'Tick' . PHP_EOL;

Loop::addTimer(1.0, function () use ($timer) {
    echo 'Done' . PHP_EOL;

use React\EventLoop\Loop;
use React\EventLoop\LoopInterface;

class Greeter
    private $loop;

    public function __construct(LoopInterface $loop)
        $this->loop = $loop;

    public function greet(string $name)
        $this->loop->addTimer(1.0, function () use ($name) {
            echo 'Hello ' . $name . '!' . PHP_EOL;

$greeter = new Greeter(Loop::get());

use React\EventLoop\Loop;

Loop::addTimer(1.0, function () {
    echo 'Hello' . PHP_EOL;

use React\EventLoop\Loop;

Loop::addTimer(10.0, function () {
    echo 'Never happens';

set_exception_handler(function (Throwable $e) {
    echo 'Error: ' . $e->getMessage() . PHP_EOL;

throw new RuntimeException('Demo');

use React\EventLoop\Loop;
use React\EventLoop\LoopInterface;

$loop = Loop::get();

assert($loop instanceof LoopInterface);
assert($loop === Loop::get());

use React\EventLoop\Loop;
use React\EventLoop\LoopInterface;

class Greeter
    private $loop;

    public function __construct(LoopInterface $loop)
        $this->loop = $loop;

    public function greet(string $name)
        $this->loop->addTimer(1.0, function () use ($name) {
            echo 'Hello ' . $name . '!' . PHP_EOL;

$greeter = new Greeter(Loop::get());


$loop->addTimer(3.0, function () use ($loop) {

$loop->addTimer(0.8, function () {
    echo 'world!' . PHP_EOL;

$loop->addTimer(0.3, function () {
    echo 'hello ';

function hello($name, LoopInterface $loop)
    $loop->addTimer(1.0, function () use ($name) {
        echo "hello $name\n";

hello('Tester', $loop);

$timer = $loop->addPeriodicTimer(0.1, function () {
    echo 'tick!' . PHP_EOL;

$loop->addTimer(1.0, function () use ($loop, $timer) {
    echo 'Done' . PHP_EOL;

function hello($name, LoopInterface $loop)
    $n = 3;
    $loop->addPeriodicTimer(1.0, function ($timer) use ($name, $loop, &$n) {
        if ($n > 0) {
            echo "hello $name\n";
        } else {

hello('Tester', $loop);

function hello($name, LoopInterface $loop)
    $loop->futureTick(function () use ($name) {
        echo "hello $name\n";

hello('Tester', $loop);

$loop->futureTick(function () {
    echo 'b';
$loop->futureTick(function () {
    echo 'c';
echo 'a';

$loop->addSignal(SIGINT, function (int $signal) {
    echo 'Caught user interrupt signal' . PHP_EOL;

$loop->removeSignal(SIGINT, $listener);

$loop->addReadStream($stream, function ($stream) use ($name) {
    echo $name . ' said: ' . fread($stream);

$loop->addWriteStream($stream, function ($stream) use ($name) {
    fwrite($stream, 'Hello ' . $name);