PHP code example of react / child-process

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download react/child-process library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


react / child-process example snippets

$process = new React\ChildProcess\Process('echo foo');

$process->stdout->on('data', function ($chunk) {
    echo $chunk;

$process->on('exit', function($exitCode, $termSignal) {
    echo 'Process exited with code ' . $exitCode . PHP_EOL;

$process = new Process($command);

$process->stdout->on('data', function ($chunk) {
    echo $chunk;

$process->stdout->on('end', function () {
    echo 'ended';

$process->stdout->on('error', function (Exception $e) {
    echo 'error: ' . $e->getMessage();

$process->stdout->on('close', function () {
    echo 'closed';

$process->stdin->end($data = null);
// …

$process = new Process('echo test');

$bin = 'C:\\Program files (x86)\\PHP\\php.exe';
$file = 'C:\\Users\\me\\Desktop\\Application\\main.php';

$process = new Process(escapeshellarg($bin) . ' ' . escapeshellarg($file));

$process = new Process('echo run && demo || echo failed');

$process = new Process('cat first && echo --- && cat second');

$first = new Process('cat first');

$first->on('exit', function () {
    $second = new Process('cat second');

$process = new Process('yes');

$process = new Process('exec yes');

$process = new Process('sleep 10');

$process->on('exit', function ($code, $term) {
    if ($term === null) {
        echo 'exit with code ' . $code . PHP_EOL;
    } else {
        echo 'terminated with signal ' . $term . PHP_EOL;


$process = new Process('sleep 10');

Loop::addTimer(2.0, function () use ($process) {
    foreach ($process->pipes as $pipe) {

$process = new Process('exec sleep 10');

Loop::addTimer(2.0, function () use ($process) {

$process = new Process('cat');

Loop::addTimer(2.0, function () use ($process) {

$fds = array(
    // standard I/O pipes for stdin/stdout/stderr
    0 => array('pipe', 'r'),
    1 => array('pipe', 'w'),
    2 => array('pipe', 'w'),

    // example FDs for files or open resources
    4 => array('file', '/dev/null', 'r'),
    6 => fopen('log.txt','a'),
    8 => STDERR,

    // example FDs for sockets
    10 => fsockopen('localhost', 8080),
    12 => stream_socket_server('tcp://')

$process = new Process($cmd, null, null, $fds);

// throws LogicException on Windows
$process = new Process('ping');

    $process = new Process(

    $process->stdout->on('data', function ($chunk) {
        echo $chunk;

    $process = new Process('ping', null, null, array());

    $process->on('exit', function ($exitcode) {
        echo 'exit with ' . $exitcode . PHP_EOL;

    $process = new Process('ping', null, null, array(
        array('file', 'nul', 'r'),
        $stdout = tmpfile(),
        array('file', 'nul', 'w')

    $process->on('exit', function ($exitcode) use ($stdout) {
        echo 'exit with ' . $exitcode . PHP_EOL;

        // rewind to start and then read full file (demo only, this is blocking).
        // reading from shared file is only safe if you have some synchronization in place
        // or after the child process has terminated.
        echo stream_get_contents($stdout);

    $server = new React\Socket\Server('');
    $server->on('connection', function (React\Socket\ConnectionInterface $connection) {
        $connection->on('data', function ($chunk) {
            echo $chunk;

    $command = 'ping | foobar ' . escapeshellarg($server->getAddress());
    $process = new Process($command, null, null, array());

    $process->on('exit', function ($exitcode) use ($server) {
        echo 'exit with ' . $exitcode . PHP_EOL;

    $socket = stream_socket_client($argv[1]);
    do {
        fwrite($socket, $data = fread(STDIN, 8192));
    } while (isset($data[0]));

    $code = '$s=stream_socket_client($argv[1]);do{fwrite($s,$d=fread(STDIN, 8192));}while(isset($d[0]));';
    $command = 'ping | php -r ' . escapeshellarg($code) . ' ' . escapeshellarg($server->getAddress());
    $process = new Process($command, null, null, array());

$process = new Process('cmd /c echo hello', null, null, $pipes);