PHP code example of raynorue-eve-online / pathfinder_esi

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download raynorue-eve-online/pathfinder_esi library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


raynorue-eve-online / pathfinder_esi example snippets

// New web client instance for GitHub API [→ Github() implements ApiInterface()]
$client = new \Exodus4D\ESI\Client\GitHub\GitHub('');

// configure client [→ check ApiInterface() for methods]
$client->setTimeout(3);                     // Timeout of the request (seconds)
$client->setUserAgent('My Example App');    // User-Agent Header (string)
$client->setDecodeContent('gzip, deflate'); // Accept-Encoding Header
$client->setDebugLevel(3);                  // Debug level [0-3]
$client->setNewLog(function() : \Closure {  // Callback for new LogInterface
   return function(string $action, string $level = 'warning') : logging\LogInterface {
       $log = new logging\ApiLog($action, $level);
       $log->addHandler('stream', 'json', './logs/requests.log');
       return $log;

// Loggable $requests (e.g. HTTP 5xx resp.) will not get logged if return false;
$client->setIsLoggable(function() : \Closure {
    return function(RequestInterface $request) use ($f3) : bool {
        return true;

$client->setLogStats(true);                 // add some cURL status information (e.g. transferTime) to logged responses

$client->setLogCache(true);                 // add (local) cache info (e.g. response data cached) to logged requests
$client->setLogAllStatus(false);            // log all requests regardless of response HTTP status code
$client->setLogRequestHeaders(false);       // add request HTTP headers to loggable requests
$client->setLogResponseHeaders(false);      // add response HTTP headers to loggable requests
$client->setLogFile('requests');            // log file name for request/response errors
$client->setRetryLogFile('retry_requests'); // log file for requests errors due to max request retry exceeds

$client->setCacheDebug(true);               // add debug HTTP Header with local cache status information (HIT/MISS)
$client->setCachePool(function() : \Closure {
    return function() : ?CacheItemPoolInterface {
        $client = new \Redis();             // Cache backend used accross the web client
        $client->connect('localhost', 6379);
        // → more PSR-6 compatible adapters at (e.g. Filesystem, Array,…)
        $poolRedis = new RedisCachePool($client);
        $cachePool = new NamespacedCachePool($poolRedis, 'myCachePoolName');
        return $cachePool;                  // This can be any PSR-6 compatible instance of CacheItemPoolInterface()

// get all releases from GitHub for a repo
$releases = $client->send('getProjectReleases', 'goryn-clade/pathfinder');
// … more requests here