PHP code example of rayanlevert / command-line-interface

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download rayanlevert/command-line-interface library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


rayanlevert / command-line-interface example snippets

new \RayanLevert\Cli\Arguments\Argument(string $name, array $options = [])

new \RayanLevert\Cli\Arguments(\RayanLevert\Cli\Arguments\Argument ...$oArguments)

$oArguments = new Arguments(new Argument('arg1'));
$oArguments->get('arg1') // NULL

$oArguments = new Arguments(new Argument('arg1', ['defaultValue' => 'test']));
$oArguments->get('arg1') // test

$oArguments = new Arguments(new Argument('arg1', ['castTo' => 'float', 'defaultValue' => 14.3]));
$oArguments->get('arg1') // 14.3

$oArguments = new Arguments(new Argument('arg1', ['et('arg1') = test1, $oArguments->get('arg1') = test2

// Parsing prefixed arguments
$oArguments = new Arguments(new Argument('arg1', ['prefix' => 'a', 'longPrefix' => 'arg']));
$oArguments->parse('-a=testValue'); // $oArguments->get('arg1') = testValue
$oArguments->parse('-a="test Value"'); // $oArguments->get('arg1') = test Value
$oArguments->parse('--arg=testValue'); // $oArguments->get('arg1') = testValue
$oArguments->parse('--arg="test Value"'); // $oArguments->get('arg1') = test Value

 * Prints a string of a background color, text color and/or an attribute
public static function inline(string $string, Background $bg = null, Foreground $fg = null, Attribute $at = null): void;

 * Prints a string and breaks a line of a background color, text color and/or an attribute
public static function outline(string $string, Background $bg = null, Foreground $fg = null, Attribute $at = null): void;

public static function stylize(string $string, Background $bg = null, Foreground $fg = null, Attribute $at = null): string;

 * Prints a formatted string thanks to its tags of ANSI codes (Foreground, Background and Attribute)
 * Useful is you want to use multiple styles in one single method call
 * Tags to use are in the three enumerations thanks to the 'tryFromTag' method
public static function tag(string $tag): void

。◕‿◕。 This is a title 。◕‿◕。
public static function title(string $title): void;

--- Flanked message ---\n
public static function flank(string $message, string $char = '-', int $length = 3): void;

  (◍•﹏•) Warning message\n
public static function warning(string $message): void; // colored text in yellow

  (◍•﹏•) Error message\n
public static function error(string $message): void; // colored text in red

public static function red(string $message): void; // displays a red colored text and breaks a line
public static function green(string $message): void; // displays a green colored text and breaks a line
public static function yellow(string $message): void; // displays a yellow colored text and breaks a line

// Displays according to a boolean status, a red or green text colored message and breaks a line
public static function outlineWithBool(bool $status, string $ifTrue, string $ifFalse, string $toPrecede = ''): void;

// Prints the details of an exception in red + its trace in white
public static function exception(\Exception $e, bool $withoutTrace = false): void;

 * @param int $max Maximum value of iterations
 * @param int $numberOfSymbols Number of symbols added after each iteration
$oProgressBar = new ProgressBar(int $max, int $numberOfSymbols = 50);

 * @param string $title Title to add above the progress bar
 * @param Style\Foreground $fg Text color
$oProgressBar->setTitle(string $title = '', Style\Foreground $fg = Style\Foreground::BLUE);

 * Starts the progress bar (or restarts it, if not breaks two lines)

 * Advances the progress bar of `$toAdvance` iterations updating the progression
$oProgressBar->advance(int $toAdvance = 1);

// Finishes the progress bar (advances to the max value)

// 10 is the max value -> a new symbol every new iteration
$oProgressBar = new ProgressBar(10);
$oProgressBar->start('My progress bar');

// Advances to 1 each iteration
foreach (range(1, 10) as $range) {

  My progress bar
  1 / 10 [#         ]
  2 / 10 [##        ]
  10 / 10 [##########]