PHP code example of ray / query-module

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download ray/query-module library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


ray / query-module example snippets

use Ray\Di\AbstractModule;
use Ray\Query\SqlQueryModule;

class AppModule extends AbstractModule
    protected function configure()
        // SqlQueryModule install
        $this->install(new SqlQueryModule($sqlDir));

        // WebQueryModule install
        $webQueryConfig = [
            'post_todo' => ['POST', ''], // bind-name => [method, uri]
            'get_todo' => ['GET', '']
        $guzzleConfig = []; // @see
        $this->install(new WebQueryModule($webQueryConfig, $guzzleConfig));

class Todo
     * @var callable
    private $createTodo;
     * @var callable
    private $todo;
     * @Named("createTodo=todo_insert, todo=todo_item_by_id")
    public function __construct(
        callable $createTodo,
        callable $todo
        $this->createTodo = $createTodo;
        $this->todo = $todo;
    public function get(string $uuid)
        return ($this->todo)(['id' => $uuid]);

    public function create(string $uuid, string $title)
            'id' => $uuid,
            'title' => $title

use Ray\Query\RowInterface;

class Todo
     * @Named("todo_item_by_id")
    public function __construct(RowInterface $todo)
        $this->todo = $todo;
    public function get(string $uuid)
        $todo = ($this->todo)(['id' => $uuid]); // single row data

use Ray\Query\RowListInterface;

class Todos
     * @Named("todos")
    public function __construct(RowListInterface $todos)
        $this->todos = $todos;
    public function get(string $uuid)
        $todos = ($this->todos)(); // multiple row data

class Foo
     * @Query(id="todo_item_by_id")
    public function get(string $id)

class FooTempalted
     * @Query(id="todo_item_by_id?id={a}", templated=true)
    public function get(string $a)

class FooRow
     * @Query(id="ticket_item_by_id", type="row")
    public function onGet(string $id) : ResourceObject

use Ray\Di\AbstractModule;
use Ray\Query\SqlQueryModule;

class AppModule extends AbstractModule
    protected function configure()
        // WebQueryModuleインストール
        $webQueryConfig = [
            'todo_post' => ['POST', ''],
            'todo_get' => ['GET', '']
        $guzzleConfig = [];
        $this->install(new WebQueryModule($webQueryConfig, $guzzleConfig));

 * @Named("createTodo=todo_post, todo=todo_get")
public function __construct(
    callable $createTodo,
    callable $todo
    $this->createTodo = $createTodo;
    $this->todo = $todo;

    'id' => $uuid,
    'title' => $title

// GET
($this->todo)(['id' => $uuid]);

class CreateTodo implements QueryInterface
    private $pdo;
    private $builder;

    public function __construct(PdoInterface $pdo, QueryBuilderInferface $builder)
        $this->pdo = $pdo;
        $this->builder = $builder;

    public function __invoke(array $query)
        // Query execution using $pdo and $builder
        return $result;

$this->bind('')->annotatedWith('cretate_todo')->to(CreateTodo::class); // callableはインターフェイスなし

$this->install(new Iso8601FormatModule(['created_at', 'updated_at']));

use Ray\Query\SqlFileName;
use Ray\Query\SqlQueryModule;

$this->install(new SqlQueryModule(__DIR__ . '/Fake/sql', null, new SqlFileName()));

php demo/run.php