PHP code example of rawr / t-regx

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download rawr/t-regx library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


rawr / t-regx example snippets

$pattern = Pattern::of("ups"); // pattern("ups") also works
$matcher = $pattern->match('yay, ups');

foreach ($matcher as $detail) {
    $detail->text();    // (string) "ups";
    $detail->offset();  // (int) 0

if (!$matcher->test()) {
    echo "No occurrances found";
} else {
    echo "Found {$matcher->count()} occurrences";

  $pattern = Pattern::of("ups"); // pattern("ups") also works
  $matcher = $pattern->match('yay, ups');
  if (!$matcher->test()) {
    echo "Unmatched subject :/";
  foreach ($matcher as $detail) {
    $detail->text();    // (string) "ups";
    $detail->offset();  // (int) 0
  $pattern->replace('well, ups')->with('heck') // (string) "well, heck";

  try {
      preg::match_all('/?ups/', 'ups', $match, PREG_PATTERN_ORDER);
      echo $match[0][0];
  } catch (\TRegx\Exception\MalformedPatternException $exception) {
      echo "Invalid pattern";

  function makePattern($name): Pattern {
    if ($name === null) {
      return Pattern::of("name[:=]empty");
    return Pattern::inject("name[:=]@;", [$name]); // inject $name as @
  $gibberish = "(my?name)";
  $pattern = makePattern($gibberish);
  $pattern->test('name=(my?name)'); // (bool) true

      try {
        preg::match_all('/([a3]+[a3]+)+3/', 'aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa 3');
      } catch (\TRegx\SafeRegex\Exception\CatastrophicBacktrackingException $exception) {
        // caught

      try {
        preg::match('/?ups/', 'ups');
      } catch (\TRegx\Exception\MalformedPatternException $exception) {
        // caught