PHP code example of rask / libload

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download rask/libload library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


rask / libload example snippets

use rask\Libload\Loader;
use rask\Libload\LoaderException;
use rask\Libload\Parsing\ParseException;

$loader = new Loader();

try {
    $ffi = $loader->relativeTo('/path/to/libs')->load(__DIR__ . '/libs/my_lib.h');
} catch (LoaderException | ParseException $e) {
    // log it or something

assert($ffi instanceof \FFI);

// ... setup autoloads etc ...

$loader = new \rask\Libload\Loader();

$ffi = $loader->load('./path/to/header.h');

assert($ffi instanceof \FFI);

// ... setup autoloads etc ...

$loader = new \rask\Libload\Loader();

$ffi = $loader->relativeToHeader()->load('./path/to/header.h');

assert($ffi instanceof \FFI);

// ... setup autoloads etc ...

$loader = new \rask\Libload\Loader();

$ffi = $loader->relativeTo('/my/awesome/libs')->load('./path/to/header.h');

assert($ffi instanceof \FFI);

// ... setup autoloads etc ...

$loader = new \rask\Libload\Loader();

$ffi = $loader->fromDirectory('/my/awesome/libs')->load('./path/to/header.h');

assert($ffi instanceof \FFI);

// ... setup autoloads etc ...

$loader = new \rask\Libload\Loader();

// Load using default logic
$ffi1 = $loader->load('mylib1.h');

// Load using relative to header
$ffi2 = $loader->reset()->relativeToHeader()->load('mylib2.h');

// Search a directory for the last one
$ffi3 = $loader->reset()->fromDirectory('/my/directory/path')->load('mylib3.h');

$loader = new \rask\Libload\Loader();


assert($loader->isAutoResetting() === true);

// Now the instance will reset after each call to `load()`


assert($loader->isAutoResetting() === false);

// Returned to normal manual operation for resetting

$loader = new \rask\Libload\Loader();

$loader = $loader->relativeTo('/my/libs');

$ffi1 = $loader->load('lib1.h');
$ffi2 = $loader->load('lib2.h');
$ffi3 = $loader->load('lib3.h');