PHP code example of raphaeu / async

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download raphaeu/async library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


raphaeu / async example snippets

// Import 
use async\Task;
use async\Async;

// Inicialize async class
$async = new Async();

// Create tasks
$task1 = new Task("php /tmp/randTimer.php");
$task2 = new Task("php /tmp/randTimer.php");
$task3 = new Task("php /tmp/randTimer.php");

// Vinculando testes

// Rodando tarefas assíncronas
while ($totalOk = $async->hasDo())
    echo "Rodando: ".((count($async->getTasks()) - $totalOk) + 1)."/". count($async->getTasks()) ."\r";

// Pegando resultados das tarefas
foreach ($async->getTasks() as $task)
    echo PHP_EOL. $task->getResult();

  sleep(rand(1, 5));
  echo time();

$async = new Async('/path-temp/');