PHP code example of rancoud / database

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download rancoud/database library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


rancoud / database example snippets


// Create a configurator
$params = [
    'driver'    => 'mysql',
    'host'      => 'localhost',
    'user'      => 'root',
    'password'  => '',
    'database'  => 'test_database'
$databaseConf = new Configurator($params);

// No singleton
$database = new Database($databaseConf);

// With named instances
$database = Database::setInstance($databaseConf, 'primary');

$results = $database->selectAll("SELECT * FROM users");

// Output be like
    ['id' => '1', 'username' => 'taylor', 'ranking' => 10],
    ['id' => '2', 'username' => 'alison', 'ranking' => 30],
    ['id' => '3', 'username' => 'swifts', 'ranking' => 20]

$results = $database->selectRow("SELECT * FROM users");

// Output be like
['id' => '1', 'username' => 'taylor', 'ranking' => 10]

$results = $database->selectCol("SELECT username FROM users");

// Output be like

$results = $database->selectVar("SELECT username FROM users WHERE id = 3");

// Output be like

$statement = $database->select("SELECT * FROM users");
$row = $database->read($statement);

// Output be like
['id' => '1', 'username' => 'taylor', 'ranking' => 10]

$statement = $database->select("SELECT * FROM users");
$rows = $database->readAll($statement);

// Output be like
    ['id' => '1', 'username' => 'taylor', 'ranking' => 10],
    ['id' => '2', 'username' => 'alison', 'ranking' => 30],
    ['id' => '3', 'username' => 'swifts', 'ranking' => 20]

$count = $database->count("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM users");

// Output be like

// insert with parameters and get last insert id
$params = ['username' => 'adam', 'ranking' => 100];
$lastInsertId = $database->insert("INSERT INTO users (username, ranking) VALUES (:username, :ranking)", $params, true);

// Output be like

// update with parameters and get the number of affected rows
$params = ['username' => 'adam', 'id' => 4];
$affectedRowsCount = $database->update("UPDATE users SET username = :username WHERE id = :id", $params, true);

// Output be like

// delete with parameters and get the number of affected rows
$params = ['id' => 4];
$affectedRowsCount = $database->delete("DELETE FROM users WHERE id = :id", $params, true);

// Output be like


if (isOk()) {
} else {

Database::setInstance($databaseConfA, 'primary');
Database::setInstance($databaseConfB, 'secondary');

/** A few moments later **/

$db = Database::getInstance('secondary');