PHP code example of rakit / validation

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download rakit/validation library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


rakit / validation example snippets


$validator = new Validator;

// make it
$validation = $validator->make($_POST + $_FILES, [
    'name'                  => '  'avatar'                => '

if ($validation->fails()) {
    // handling errors
    $errors = $validation->errors();
    echo "<pre>";
    echo "</pre>";
} else {
    // validation passes
    echo "Success!";


$validator = new Validator;

$validation = $validator->validate($_POST + $_FILES, [
    'name'                  => 'rd',
    'avatar'                => 'errors
	$errors = $validation->errors();
	echo "<pre>";
	echo "</pre>";
} else {
	// validation passes
	echo "Success!";

$validator = new Validator;

// To set attribute alias, you should use `make` instead `validate`.
	'province_id' => $_POST['province_id'],
	'district_id' => $_POST['district_id']
], [
	'province_id' => 'ses([
	'province_id' => 'Province',
	'district_id' => 'District'

// then validate it

$validator = new Validator([
	// etc

// then validation belows will use those custom messages
$validation_a = $validator->validate($dataset_a, $rules_for_a);
$validation_b = $validator->validate($dataset_b, $rules_for_b);

$validator = new Validator;
	'alidation belows will use those custom messages
$validation_a = $validator->validate($dataset_a, $rules_for_dataset_a);
$validation_b = $validator->validate($dataset_b, $rules_for_dataset_b);

$validator = new Validator;

$validation_a = $validator->validate($dataset_a, $rules_for_dataset_a, [

$validator = new Validator;

$validation_a = $validator->make($dataset_a, $rules_for_dataset_a);

$validator = new Validator;

$validation_a = $validator->make($dataset_a, [
	'age' => 'te();

$validator = new Validator;

$validation_a = $validator->make($dataset_a, [
	'photo' => [


// Set translation for words 'and' and 'or'.
    'and' => 'dan',
    'or' => 'atau'

// Set custom message for 'in' rule
$validator->setMessage('in', ":attribute hanya memperbolehkan :allowed_values");

// Validate
$validation = $validator->validate($inputs, [
    'nomor' => 'in:1,2,3'

$message = $validation->errors()->first('nomor'); // "Nomor hanya memperbolehkan '1', '2', atau '3'"

$validation = $validator->validate($inputs, $rules);

$errors = $validation->errors(); // << ErrorBag

$messages = $errors->all();
// [
//     'Email is not valid email',
//     'Password minimum 6 character',
//     'Password must contains capital letters'
// ]

$messages = $errors->all('<li>:message</li>');
// [
//     '<li>Email is not valid email</li>',
//     '<li>Password minimum 6 character</li>',
//     '<li>Password must contains capital letters</li>'
// ]

$messages = $errors->firstOfAll();
// [
//     'email' => Email is not valid email',
//     'password' => 'Password minimum 6 character',
// ]

$messages = $errors->firstOfAll('<li>:message</li>');
// [
//     'email' => '<li>Email is not valid email</li>',
//     'password' => '<li>Password minimum 6 character</li>',
// ]

$messages = $errors->firstOfAll(':message', false);
// [
//     'contacts' => [
//          1 => [
//              'email' => 'Email is not valid email',
//              'phone' => 'Phone is not valid phone number'
//          ],
//     ],
// ]

$messages = $errors->firstOfAll(':message', true);
// [
//     '' => 'Email is not valid email',
//     '' => 'Email is not valid phone number',
// ]

if ($emailError = $errors->first('email')) {
    echo $emailError;

$messages = $errors->toArray();
// [
//     'email' => [
//         'Email is not valid email'
//     ],
//     'password' => [
//         'Password minimum 6 character',
//         'Password must contains capital letters'
//     ]
// ]

$validation = $validator->validate([
    'title' => 'Lorem Ipsum',
    'body' => 'Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet ...',
    'published' => null,
    'something' => '-invalid-'
], [
    'title' => '

$validatedData = $validation->getValidatedData();
// [
//     'title' => 'Lorem Ipsum',
//     'body' => 'Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet ...',
//     'published' => '1' // notice this
//     'something' => '-invalid-'
// ]

$validData = $validation->getValidData();
// [
//     'title' => 'Lorem Ipsum',
//     'body' => 'Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet ...',
//     'published' => '1'
// ]

$invalidData = $validation->getInvalidData();
// [
//     'something' => '-invalid-'
// ]

$validation = $validator->validate($_FILES, [
    'photos.*' => 'uploaded_file:0,2M,jpeg,png'

// or

$validation = $validator->validate($_FILES, [
    'photos.*' => 'uploaded_file|max:2M|mimes:jpeg,png'

$validation = $validator->validate($_FILES, [
    'images.*' => 'uploaded_file|max:2M|mimes:jpeg,png',

// or

$validation = $validator->validate($_FILES, [
    'images.profile' => 'uploaded_file|max:2M|mimes:jpeg,png',
    'images.cover' => 'uploaded_file|max:5M|mimes:jpeg,png',

$validation = $validator->validate([
    'enabled' => null
], [
    'enabled' => 'default:1|the valid/default data
$valid_data = $validation->getValidData();

$enabled = $valid_data['enabled'];
$published = $valid_data['published'];

$validation = $validator->validate($data, [
    'enabled' => [

$validation = $validator->validate([
    'photo' => $_FILES['photo']
], [
    'photo' => '

$validation = $validator->validate([
    'photo' => $_FILES['photo']
], [
    'photo' => '

$validation = $validator->validate([
    'photo' => $_FILES['photo']
], [
    'photo' => '

$validation = $validator->validate($inputs, [
    'random_url' => 'url',          // value can be `any_scheme://...`
    'https_url' => 'url:http',      // value must be started with `https://`
    'http_url' => 'url:http,https', // value must be started with `http://` or `https://`
    'ftp_url' => 'url:ftp',         // value must be started with `ftp://`
    'custom_url' => 'url:custom',   // value must be started with `custom://`
    'mailto_url' => 'url:mailto',   // value must conatin valid mailto URL scheme like `mailto:[email protected],[email protected]`
    'jdbc_url' => 'url:jdbc',       // value must contain valid jdbc URL scheme like `jdbc:mysql://localhost/dbname`

$validation = $validator->validate($_POST, [
    'even_number' => [
        'n (is_numeric($value) AND $value % 2 === 0);

$validation = $validator->validate($_POST, [
    'even_number' => [
        '       return ":attribute must be numeric.";
            if ($value % 2 !== 0) {
                return ":attribute is not even number.";
            // you can return true or don't return anything if value is valid

use Rakit\Validation\Rule;

class UniqueRule extends Rule
    protected $message = ":attribute :value has been used";

    protected $fillableParams = ['table', 'column', 'except'];

    protected $pdo;

    public function __construct(PDO $pdo)
        $this->pdo = $pdo;

    public function check($value): bool
        // make sure select count(*) as count from `{$table}` where `{$column}` = :value");
        $stmt->bindParam(':value', $value);
        $data = $stmt->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);

        // true for valid, false for invalid
        return intval($data['count']) === 0;

use Rakit\Validation\Validator;

$validator = new Validator;

$validator->addValidator('unique', new UniqueRule($pdo));

$validation = $validator->validate($_POST, [
    'email' => 'email|unique:users,email,[email protected]'

$params['table'] = 'users';
$params['column'] = 'email';
$params['except'] = '[email protected]';

$validation = $validator->validate($_POST, [
    'email' => [

use Rakit\Validation\Rule;

class UniqueRule extends Rule

    public function table($table)
        $this->params['table'] = $table;
        return $this;

    public function column($column)
        $this->params['column'] = $column;
        return $this;

    public function except($value)
        $this->params['except'] = $value;
        return $this;


$validation = $validator->validate($_POST, [
    'email' => [
    	''[email protected]')->message('Custom message')

use Rakit\Validation\Rule;

class YourCustomRule extends Rule

    protected $implicit = true;


use Rakit\Validation\Rule;
use Rakit\Validation\Rules\Interfaces\ModifyValue;

class YourCustomRule extends Rule implements ModifyValue

    public function modifyValue($value)
        // Do something with $value

        return $value;


use Rakit\Validation\Rule;
use Rakit\Validation\Rules\Interfaces\BeforeValidate;

class YourCustomRule extends Rule implements BeforeValidate

    public function beforeValidate()
        $attribute = $this->getAttribute(); // Rakit\Validation\Attribute instance
        $validation = $this->validation; // Rakit\Validation\Validation instance

        // Do something with $attribute and $validation
        // For example change attribute value
        $validation->setValue($attribute->getKey(), "your custom value");
