PHP code example of raftalks / form

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download raftalks/form library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


raftalks / form example snippets

	'Form'	 => 'Form\Form',

//making table based forms

Form::make('div', function($form))


			$tr->setNgRepeat('item in list','ng-repeat'); //using second parameter to force the attribute name.


Form::urn Form::template('div',function($form)

Form::make(function($form) use($usergroups, $validation_errors)


		$usergroups = $form->get('usergroups');	



//sample function to filter errors
function_to_filter_error_by_field($fieldname, $errors)
	//filter errors and return matched error

//Macro created to show error message for fields
Form::macro('show_error',function($fieldName, $message=null)
	return Form::template('span',function($form) use($fieldName, $message)
		$error_messages = $form->get_errors(); 
		$error_message = function_to_filter_error_by_field($fieldName, $error_messages);			

		// the contaner is <span></span> and we are
		// adding the error message as text
		// set the container class
		$form->setClass('help-block text-error');

// Now we are creating a nother styled input text field which uses
// the above show error macro 

Form::macro('input_text', function($name, $label, $value=null, $attr = array())
	return Form::template('div',function($form) use ($name, $label, $attr, $value)
			//notice the setAttribute method used here can fill the element with an array
			//of attributes

		//we are calling the macro to run the template and show the error message for this input template


// Now we use everything above like this to make a real form.

Form::make(function($form) use($validation_errors)

	//This will run the above macro and will show error messages if any exists
	$form->input_text('username','User Name');


//globaly apply attributes to tag elements
	//apply attribute to all text input fields
		$tag->class('class decorated');

	//Use Form::decorate to apply attribute to all text input fields in templates
		$tag->class('class decorated');

//Create Form Macros with template

	//bootstrap controlgroup textfield
	Form::macro('group_text',function($name, $label=null)
		return Form::template(function($form) use($name, $label)

			$form->div(function($form) use($name)



	//the above Macro is now available as a Form field type and can be called within a Form 
		$form->group_text('telephone','Telephone Number');

// will 

echo Form::make(function($form)
		$form->div(function($form){ //makes a div container for the enclosed fields

			//creates a text input with label
			$form->text('username','User Name')->class('myname')->value('some name');  

			//creates a password input with label
			$form->password('password','Enter Password');

			$form->select('usergroup','User Group')->options(array('admin'=>'admin','manager'=>'manager','user'=>'user'),

			$form->setClass('input'); //sets container class
			$form->setId('UserAccount'); //sets container id

		// creates an custom tag element like <group>dome</group> 

		//creates a fieldset container <fieldset></fieldset> and enclose the fields in it

			$form->label('Your Address')->for('address'); //create label field separately
		//create Angularjs type input
		$form->select('countries','select country')->ngrepeat(' in countries','ng-repeat');

		//sets container attributes, therefore, as this is form container, this sets the form attributes
