PHP code example of raffaelj / cockpit-imageresize

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download raffaelj/cockpit-imageresize library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


raffaelj / cockpit-imageresize example snippets

return [
    '' => 'ImageResize Test',

    'imageresize' => [
        'resize'       => false,        # (bool) default: true

        # create a copy of uploaded files in `/original/img.jpg`
        'keepOriginal' => true,         # (bool) default: true
        'moveOriginalTo' => 'original', # (string) default: full

        # resize options, that are passed to SimpleImage library
        # If you set maxWidth or maxHeight to 0 (zero), the value will be ignored.
        'maxWidth'     => 1920,         # (int) default: 1920
        'maxHeight'    => 0,            # (int) default: 0
        'method'       => 'bestFit',    # (string) default: bestFit
        'quality'      => 100,          # (int) default: 100

        # remove uniqid from file names, duplicates will have increasing number suffixes
        'prettyNames'  => true,         # (bool) default: false

        # overwrite original date pattern - `/2020/10/30/img.jpg` --> `/images/img.jpg`
        'customFolder' => '/images',    # (string|null) default: null

        # Spatie image optimizer (rimage' is used