PHP code example of raffaelj / cockpit-babel

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download raffaelj/cockpit-babel library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


raffaelj / cockpit-babel example snippets

return [
    '' => 'My app',

    // set entry level languages in cockpit cms v1
    // use the gui instead to change locales in cockpit cms v2
    'i18n' => 'de',
    'languages' => [
        'default' => 'Deutsch',
        'fr' => 'Francais',

    // set admin ui languages
    'babel' => [
        'languages' => [
            'de' => 'Deutsch',
            'fr' => 'Francais',
├── config
|   ├── cockpit
|   |   └── i18n
|   |       ├── de.php (must exist)
|   |       └── fr.php (must exist)
|   └── config.php
├── storage
|   └── assets
|       └── cockpit
|           └── i18n
|               └── tinymce
|                   ├── de.js
|                   └── fr.js
├── config
|   ├── i18n
|   |   ├── App
|   |   |   ├── de.php (must exist)
|   |   |   └── fr.php (must exist)
|   |   └── {module}
|   |       ├── de.php
|   |       └── fr.php
|   └── config.php
├── path/to/tinymce/{locale}.js (not tested)
├── config
|   ├── i18n
|   |   ├── {module}
|   |   |   ├── de.php
|   |   |   └── fr.php
|   |   ├── de.php (must exist - @meta and unassigned strings)
|   |   └── fr.php (must exist - @meta and unassigned strings)
|   └── config.php
├── storage/assets/cockpit/i18n/tinymce/{locale.js} (not automated, yet)