PHP code example of rafaeldms / cookie

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download rafaeldms/cookie library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


rafaeldms / cookie example snippets

use RafaelDms\Cookie\StaticCookie;

 * Create a new cookie using the static method
 StaticCookie::setCookie::set("test", "new_test", 10);
 * get value the static method
 echo StaticCookie::get("test");

 echo "<br><br>";

 * Create value as array
StaticCookie::set('user', ['name' => 'Rafael', 'role' => "Developer"], 10);

 * get value as array the static method
echo StaticCookie::get('user')['role'];

echo "<br><br>";
 * remove the static class

 * create if it doesn't exist the static method
StaticCookie::setDoesntHave('testIfDoesntHave', true, 10000);

 * create if it doesn't exist the static method
StaticCookie::setDoesntHave('testIfDoesntHave', 'ok', 12500, "/admin", true);
 * check if exists cookie the static class
if (StaticCookie::has('testIfDoesntHave')) {
    echo "Cookie testIfDoesntHave exist";
} else {
    echo "Cookie testIfDoesntHave not exist";

echo "<br><br>";
 * check if exists by value

if (StaticCookie::has("testIfDoesntHave", 1)) {
    echo "the value is equal to ok";
} else {
    echo "the vlaue is no equal to ok";
echo "<br><br>";

use RafaelDms\Cookie\Cookie;

 * Create a new cookie using construct method
$cookie = new Cookie("testCookie");

 * set value a cookie using methot set

 * set expiryTime
$cookie->setExpiryTime(24 * 60 * 60);

 * set path

 * set domain

 * set httpOnly to false

 * set secure only to true

 * save a cookies


 * get value
echo "Value: " . $cookie->getValue();
echo "<br><br>";

 * get expire time
echo "Expire Time: " . $cookie->getExpiryTime();
echo "<br><br>";

 * get path
echo "Path: " .  $cookie->getPath();
echo "<br><br>";

 * get domain
echo "Domain: " .  $cookie->getDomain();
echo "<br><br>";

 * is http only
echo "Http only: " . ($cookie->isHttpOnly() ? 'true' : 'false');
echo "<br><br>";

 * is secure only
echo "Secure only: " . ($cookie->isSecureOnly() ? 'true' : "false");
echo "<br><br>";

 * update value


 * check if exists cookie and delete cookie

 * delele cookie and unset
