PHP code example of racoon / api

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download racoon/api library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


racoon / api example snippets

// Create an instance of Racoon
$app = new Racoon\Api\App();

$router = $app->getRouter();


$r->addRoute(['GET', 'POST'], '/users/list', '\\MyApp\\Users@list');

namespace MyApp;

class Users extends \Racoon\Api\Controller

    public function list()
        $userList = [
        return $userList;


$router = $app->getRouter();


$router = $app->getRouter();


$httpRequestMethod = ['GET', 'POST'];
$requestUri = '/users/list';
$handlerString = '\\MyApp\\Users@list';
$r->addRoute($httpRequestMethod, $requestUri, $handlerString);


$r->addRoute('GET', '/asd', '\\MyApp\\Controllers\\Example@one');
$r->addRoute('GET', '/fgh', '\\MyApp\\Controllers\\Example@two');
$r->addRoute('GET', '/jkl', '\\MyApp\\Controllers\\Example@three');

$r->addRoute('GET', '/asd', '\\Example@one');
$r->addRoute('GET', '/fgh', '\\Example@two');
$r->addRoute('GET', '/jkl', '\\Example@three');


$formatter = new \Racoon\Api\Response\Format\JsonFormatter();

throw new \Racoon\Api\Exception(
    Request $request = null, // Not  the response. False if the framework shouldn't handle it.
    $message, // Your error message.
    $code = 0, // If this is not 0 and $displayAsError is True, the http response code will be set to this.
    \Exception $previous = null // If this is as a result of a previous Exception you can pass that in here.

namespace Racoon\Api\Exception;

use Racoon\Api\Request;

class AuthenticationException extends Exception

    public function __construct(Request $request = null, $message, \Exception $previous = null)
        parent::__construct($request, true, $message, 401, $previous);


throw new \Racoon\Api\AuthenticationException(null, 'Missing API Key.');

$authenticator = new \Racoon\Api\Auth\ApiKeyAuthenticator();

$authenticator = new \Racoon\Api\Auth\NoAuthenticator();

$authenticator = new \Racoon\Api\Auth\ApiKeyAuthenticator();
$authenticator->setApiKeyName('api_key'); // Tells it to look under api_key to find the api key.
$authenticator->addValidApiKey('dsdasdasdasd'); // Add a valid API key.

use Racoon\Api\Schema\Schema;
use Racoon\Api\Schema\Translator;

$schema = Schema::create([
    Translator::item('username')->isString(2, 20)->returnItem(),


use Racoon\Api\Schema\Schema;
use Racoon\Api\Schema\Translator;

$schema = Schema::create([
    Translator::item('username')->isString(2, 4)->alt()->isString(10, 12)->returnItem(),


namespace MyApp;

class Request extends \Racoon\Api\Request


// Fetches the username from the input data, and if it doesn't exist it will return 'unknown'.
$request->getOptionalRequestData('username', 'unknown');

// Fetches the username from the input data.
// If it doesn't exist or has a length of 0, an error message will be shown to the client.

$app->setJsonKeyName('new_json_key');{"api_key": "easSdasesfWasd","request":{"user_id": 5}}