PHP code example of rabp99 / cakephp-cors

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download rabp99/cakephp-cors library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


rabp99 / cakephp-cors example snippets

// In src/Application.php
public function bootstrap(): void
    // code ...

    'AllowOrigin' => true, // accept all origin
    'AllowCredentials' => true,
    'AllowMethods' => ['GET', 'POST', 'PUT', 'PATCH', 'DELETE'], // accept all HTTP methods
    'AllowHeaders' => true, // accept all headers
    'ExposeHeaders' => false, // don't accept personal headers
    'MaxAge' => 86400, // cache for 1 day
    'exceptionRenderer' => 'Cors\Error\AppExceptionRenderer', // Use ExeptionRenderer class of plugin

'Cors' => [
    // My Config

'Cors' => [
    // Accept all origins
    'AllowOrigin' => true,
    // OR
    'AllowOrigin' => '*',

    // Accept one origin
    'AllowOrigin' => ''

    // Accept many origins
    'AllowOrigin' => ['', '']

'Cors' => [
    'AllowCredentials' => true,
    // OR
    'AllowCredentials' => false,

'Cors' => [
    // string
    'AllowMethods' => 'POST',
    // OR array
    'AllowMethods' => ['GET', 'POST'],

'Cors' => [
    // accept all headers
    'AllowHeaders' => true,

    // accept just authorization
    'AllowHeaders' => 'authorization',

    // accept many headers
    'AllowHeaders' => ['authorization', 'other-header'],

'Cors' => [
    // nothing
    'ExposeHeaders' => false,

    // string
    'ExposeHeaders' => 'X-My-Custom-Header',

    // array
    'ExposeHeaders' => ['X-My-Custom-Header', 'X-Another-Custom-Header'],

'Cors' => [
    // no cache
    'MaxAge' => false,

    // 1 hour
    'MaxAge' => 3600,

    // 1 day
    'MaxAge' => 86400,

'Cors' => [
	'exceptionRenderer' => false