PHP code example of queents / console-helpers

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download queents/console-helpers library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


queents / console-helpers example snippets

use Queents\ConsoleHelpers\Traits\RunCommand;

class MyCommand extends Command{
    use RunCommand;

$this->phpCommand('echo "welcome";');

use Queents\ConsoleHelpers\Traits\RunCommand;

class MyCommand extends Command{
    use RunCommand;

$this->yarnCommand('echo "welcome";');

use Queents\ConsoleHelpers\Traits\RunCommand;

class MyCommand extends Command{
    use RunCommand;


use Queents\ConsoleHelpers\Traits\HandleStubs;

class MyCommand extends Command{
    use HandleStubs;

    __DIR__ . "/stubs/SettingsClass.stub",
        "settingName" => "site_url",
        "moduleName" => "Base",
        "settingField" => Str::lower("site_url")

use Queents\ConsoleHelpers\Traits\HandleModules;

class MyCommand extends Command{
    use HandleModules;


