PHP code example of quansitech / qscmf-formitem-tengxun-cos

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download quansitech/qscmf-formitem-tengxun-cos library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


quansitech / qscmf-formitem-tengxun-cos example snippets

    'mimes'    => 'image/jpeg,image/png,image/gif,image/bmp', //允许上传的文件MiMe类型
    'maxSize'  => 5*1024*1024, //上传的文件大小限制 (0-不做限制)
    'exts'     => 'jpg,gif,png,jpeg', //允许上传的文件后缀
    'autoSub'  => true, //自动子目录保存文件
    'subName'  => array('date','Ymd'), //子目录创建方式,[0]-函数名,[1]-参数,多个参数使用数组
    'rootPath' => './Uploads/', //保存根路径
    'savePath' => 'image/', //保存路径
    'saveName' => array('uniqid', ''), //上传文件命名规则,[0]-函数名,[1]-参数,多个参数使用数组
    'saveExt'  => '', //文件保存后缀,空则使用原后缀
    'replace'  => false, //存在同名是否覆盖
    'hash'     => true, //是否生成hash编码
    'callback' => false, //检测文件是否存在回调函数,如果存在返回文件信息数组
    'cos_host' => env('COS_HOST'),

$builder=new FormBuilder();

 * @var int $file_id file_pic_id
 * @var int $expire 过期时间 