PHP code example of quansitech / qscmf-columntype-modal

1. Go to this page and download the library: Download quansitech/qscmf-columntype-modal library. Choose the download type require.

2. Extract the ZIP file and open the index.php.

3. Add this code to the index.php.

/* Start to develop here. Best regards */


quansitech / qscmf-columntype-modal example snippets


> // 可以与formBuilder结合使用,展示渲染后的html
>  public function genModelHtml($id){
>      $info = D('Post')->getOne($id); 
>      $builder = new FormBuilder();
>      $builder
>          ->addFormItem('title', 'text', '标题')
>          ->addFormItem('summary', 'textarea', '简介')
>          ->addFormItem('cover', 'picture', '封面', '尺寸为214*250px', ['width' => 214, 'height' => 250])
>          ->setFormData($info)
>          ->setShowBtn(false)
>          ->setReadOnly(true);
>      return $builder->display(true);
>  }
> $data_list = D('User')->limit(10)->select();
> foreach ($data_list as &$v){
>     $v['modal_html'] = $this->genModelHtml($v['post_id']);
> }
> // 当value为数组
> ->addTableColumn('nick_name', '用户名', 'modal', ['content' => '__modal_html__'], false, '点击查看更多信息')
> //当value为字符串
> ->addTableColumn('nick_name', '用户名', 'modal', '__modal_html__', false, '点击查看更多信息')

> // api_url的参数支持使用占位符,动态替换list的值
> // 如列id,只需用 __id__ 作为占位符,生成list后会自动替换成该记录的真实id值。
> // 若列名存在下划线,如user_id,那么占位符就是 __user_id__ ,以此类推。
>  $option = [
>      'api_url' => U('genModelHtml', ['id'=>'__id__'], true, true),
>      'width' => '50%',
>      'height' => '50%'
>  ];
>  // ListBuilder对应列配置
>  ->addTableColumn('nick_name', '用户名', 'modal', $option, false, '点击查看更多信息');
> public function genModelHtml($id){
>    $info = D('User')->getOne($id); 
>    if (!$info){
>        $this->ajaxReturn(['status' => 0, 'info' => 'not found']);
>    }
>    $builder = new FormBuilder();
>    $builder
>        ->addFormItem('title', 'text', '标题')
>        ->addFormItem('summary', 'textarea', '简介')
>        ->addFormItem('cover', 'picture', '封面', '尺寸为214*250px', ['width' => 214, 'height' => 250])
>        ->setFormData($info)
>        ->setShowBtn(false)
>        ->setReadOnly(true);
>    $this->ajaxReturn(['status' => 1, 'info' => $builder->display(true)]);

>$option = [
>    'content' => 'modal content',
>    'width' => '50%',
>    'height' => '50%'
>->addTableColumn('nick_name', '用户名', 'modal', $option, false, '点击查看更多信息')